
[confirmed] Unable to enter world due to character design not finalizing

Sorry for the repost, did not see this forum :)

Repro Steps

Try to enter the world and was given instructions to update character before continuing

Expected Behavior
To be able to finalize design and enter the world.

Actual Behavior
I am able to design by clicking on each design aspect, but unable to use the "next step" button.
The design never finalizes and I am unable to enter game.

Posted 14 years ago by gaggle Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Gaggle, can you click on the shoes tab (the rightmost one - last step) and see if the "next step" button changes to "save"? It should and we've been unable to reproduce this.
    Posted 14 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I had tried that. It was a no go. Maybe next time!
    Posted 14 years ago by gaggle Subscriber! | Permalink
  • There are some issues with the customizer in IE that we're investigating. They may or may not be related to your problem (I suspect they are), but once we overhaul that I think I'd like to hit reset on this issue and see if you still have this problem. If you do, please report it again (or update this thread if you can find it), and in the meantime you can probably use another browser as a temporary workaround for the customization phase. I would add that once you manage to customize your avatar, it'd be ideal (from my perspective, at least) to have you go back to IE again for regular gameplay because most of our players use some mixture of Firefox or Chrome.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink