
[confirmed] Crazy Juice!

I think the lemon juice I made today was haunted, y'all...

Game text upon drinking juice:
You drank a Lemon Juice. You lose 80 mood, gain 160 energy and gain 160 xp.
You are about to croak! Find something to eat.

Actual behavior: I lost the energy and xp it said I had gained. Still had the juice in my bag. Tried drinking it again:

"You drank a Lemon Juice. You lose 5 mood, gain 3 energy and gain 10 xp."

I was then left with 0 energy, but didn't die right away, it took me an extra coupla beats to get sent to hell.

Upon resurrection, found I still had the juice, and was able to repeat the cycle a couple more times before just donating the cursed juice to a shrine.

Posted 14 years ago by katlazam Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I think calling it demon juice was right lol. I'd say turn this bug into a feature, and give a weird buff or something from it. ditch the xp loss part though.
    Posted 14 years ago by Tarod Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've confirmed this on my end as well, and I can't see anything wrong in the item itself, so I'm not sure what's going on here. I've filed a bug internally and we'll get it looked at. Thanks katlazam!
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink