
[investigating] Drink a Dozen Beers Quest

I drank 16 in one go (yeah...erp!) and it only counted once towards my twelve - quest should probably read that shot-gunning is not recommended rather than optional ;)

Edit - OK it's a bit more complicated than that - so I tried to drink 16, but was only able to drink one, so I guess what I was expecting was a message to tell me that I could only drink one at a time, or that I was too buzzed to drink any more than that in one go (which did occur once I'd had three). Not really a bug, more of a little tweak for clarity perhaps?

Posted 14 years ago by Snufkin Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I'll talk with the rest of the team to see if there's a way we can make this quest a little more intuitive.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink