
[confirmed] Backing up (via mouse-based webpage back button) hangs Firefox for a time & befuddles game start

Steps to recreate:
1) Started new game, played through to the first jump tutorial (second area)
2) Accidentally hit the 'Go back one page' button on mouse
3) Firefox (3.6.6) hung for approx 20-25 secs and then went back to the Home page
4) When I entered the world again, my inventory was full of items I'd already accumulated but I had to replay the tutorial.

Additionally, the weedy patch did not pop up a seed for this second time through the tutorial.

Desired Result:
Ideally, I'd resume in the second area of the tutorial, near the jump spot (and not play through the (admittedly short) first section of the tutorial.

Posted 14 years ago by Nermahl St Marquee Subscriber! | Permalink


  • My instinct is that the Firefox hang is probably just Firefox being Firefox, but getting reset into the beginning of the tutorial is a little not normal. I've filed a bug, and we'll take a look. Thanks Nermahl St Marquee!
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink