
[awaiting response] Messing with Cupboard Glows

If you walk up to a cupboard door and get it to glow, then try to start to chat (click in the chat's text field), the glow disappears. Then, you can go back to the cupboard door and click on it to get the glow back on. If you do this and drag off of the cupboard before letting the mouse go, the glow stays on until you click somewhere else in the game.

Posted 14 years ago by moxy Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I'm having a hard time reproducing this, and I suspect I might be misunderstanding something in the instructions you've provided. Can you maybe go over it and give me a line-by-line of what I'm supposed to do to cause the glow to stick unnecessarily? Also, what happens when you walk away while the glow is active?
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink