
[confirmed] Rainbow Run

You guys really have to kill rainbow run.

I have a really slow computer and by the time rainbow run loads i have less than 10 seconds to collect all the coins. So i fail and it asks me again and i say no. But then it asks me every 5 seconds and i cannot get anything done. Please fix this. Make it so you have to press enter to start or something.

Posted 14 years ago by Alex Subscriber! | Permalink


  • It's moving to the quest log soon, not that that helps with your other problem.
    Posted 14 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink
  • yeah, but is soon next test?
    Posted 14 years ago by Alex Subscriber! | Permalink
  • *checks my magic 8 ball* "outcome hazy, try again"
    Posted 14 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yes, we're going to try to have this not be Irritating As Crap by the next test. It's not even supposed to start the timer until you fully load, but I think we (mistakenly!) assumed that the CPU load time would be negligible and it was mostly network load times that would cause problems.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Addendum: Also, the rock shouldn't keep asking you over and over if you want to do the quest. That's one thing we're keenly aware of but just haven't had the resources to fix in the last few weeks. That should be fixed for the next test, too, as far as I'm aware.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • good. it does keep asking me... it waits like 20 seconds after i try then keeps asking me over and over again
    Posted 14 years ago by Alex Subscriber! | Permalink