
[investigating] game not loading, avatar designer not working

Since the last test, upgraded from OSX 10.5 to OSX 10.6.4 with whatever flash debugger version the forum links to for macs and safari 5.0.1. Game doesn't seem to load at all.

Activity window [oops, fixed]
Game | Glitch 8 items 4.7 KB 13 bytes 39.0 KB 20.0 KB 125.0 KB 0.7 KB 1.9 KB 7.5 KB

Avatar designer seems to load, but the avatar and choices aren't displaying, just the window and the icons for hat, hair, shirt...

Changed to the regular release of flash, 10,1,53,64. Didn't help. But, I'm learning skills like a champ. :)

Posted 14 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Is it possible your OS upgrade reset any flash blocking settings, or did you install any plugins since like ClicktoFlash or NoScript or the like?
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I disabled all extensions. I'll look into flash blocking settings. The avatar designer problem may have started before the upgrade, can't swear to it.
    Plug-ins were enabled on Safari. No Clicktoflash or anything of the like that I know of. I'll nose around Safari/Mac OS some more. That /load.php being only 13 bytes is what got my attention.
    Posted 14 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This could also be related to the recent Safari 5 release and possible funkiness with the new WebKit. So for the time being I'd say use Firefox or Chrome as a workaround but if you're interested in digging in to try to figure out what's causing it don't let me stop you :) I'm updating my Safari to 5 now so I can take a look at it myself later.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I tried getting on with firefox and i could log in and play, avatar designer worked fine.

    In Safari, I can see a few flash things, like the timer and avatars in others' profiles. Mac OS X 6 + its WebKit + its Safari 5.0.1 is as good of a theory as any, cuz OS 5 + its WebKit + its Safari 5.0.1 worked fine.
    Posted 14 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink