
Menu popped by clicking on Pet Rock does not dissapear / close

Repro Steps
Click on the pet rock when a new area is loading.
The new area will load.
Click close.
The menu does not close, and you cannot interact with your avatar.

Expected Behavior
The menu popped by clicking on the pet rock should either fade away once a new level loads, or the close button should work. If only the close button closes this menu, the menu should be modal and not have an arrow.

Actual Behavior
The menu does not close at all, and appears on top of the new level.

See : for a screenshot.

(And apologies if this is a duplicate or doesn't make sense, I only started testing a few hours ago;) )

Posted 14 years ago by quoo Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I'm still seeing an issue where the menu doesn't fully hide, see: and This happened as soon as I logged into the game, the pet rock said something to me, I closed the menu, and this time the menu background didn't go away. After this happens, I'm unable to interact with the game either with mouse keys or keyboard.
    Posted 14 years ago by quoo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Also seeing this with the "Woohoo! Now you..." menu that appears when you finish learning a skill. Neither clicking the "Learn new skill" button nor the close 'x' button make the window go away. I have to save, and reload the game to play again. I can recreate this issue every time i finish learning a new skill.
    Posted 14 years ago by quoo Subscriber! | Permalink