
My garden is blank

I tried to look at my garden for the first time today and the page loaded ok but the garden was blank. I believe the garden is a grid of images that show whats in each plot of the garden. I was able to drag seed packets to the garden and apparently they were planted but I couldn't see anything. And clicking around randomly i was able to use the watering can but i didn't see anything until finally what looked like the upper left corner of the garden showed up in the lower right corner. It looked like everything was offset by a couple hundred pixels. I'm using firefox on a mac.

Posted 14 years ago by Anthropocene Subscriber! | Permalink


  • It seems like the garden was working properly except that no images showed up. I was able to water plots, plant seeds and harvest crops. After harvesting my grain I didn't see it in my inventory but I was able to feed it to my chick.
    Posted 14 years ago by Anthropocene Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I too had somewhat the same problem. At times I can't see my trees and even my chick in the backyard but at other times I can.
    Posted 13 years ago by shashank Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Pretty sure the garden code is super not optimized and if it's on a different server it's overloaded.
    Posted 13 years ago by Johnny Subscriber! | Permalink