
[awaiting response] got kicked out and can't get back in

I was moving from one street to another (don't remember which) and suddenly I saw an exclamation mark inside a circle and the screen went white. The new street didn't load. I closed and reopened the browser, but even now whenever I click on enter the world, I just get a white screen and the game doesn't load.


Posted 14 years ago by FrankenPaula Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I'm experiencing the same thing - though I was in my house at the time (and had mistakenly thought that I was still at Mr. Friendly's). rebooting my system allowed me to continue playing.
    Posted 14 years ago by Mister Pickets Subscriber! | Permalink
  • That screen means your Flash plugin crashed. As Mister Pickets said, if you reboot that should fix it, but you should also be able to just close your browser. I think Firefox keeps plugin data stored in it's own app, though, called plugin-container.exe. You may want to try killing that task and then closing/reopening your browser (or even just refreshing the page may work) to save you the headache of a full reboot.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink