
[confirmed] all groups have 72,431 members

Is that a bug? I'm not sure... but I've noticed that in my profile (and looking at others profiles) the Groups we belong to, them all say (72,431 members).

Well, just found that a little weird.

Posted 14 years ago by Zethy Subscriber! | Permalink


  • It's a bug, and other people have noticed it already.

    it might help if you named the topic after your bug. XD

    But then again, I personally can't find the tread talking about that bug (since there's no search) so I wouldn't have known that it has been reported before. xD

    But in the future, just report everything you notice that seems awry. If it's not a bug, no one will be angry at you. They'll probably thank you for trying to be helpful. ^^
    Posted 14 years ago by Catriona Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ignore this post.
    Posted 14 years ago by Catriona Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yep, that's a bug! Filed it internally and we'll get that looked at. Good catch. Thanks Zethy!
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Took some liberty to update the bug's subject line too so it's a bit more clear.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink