
[known issue] lack of status bar while doing any action

When mining in Lapulapu Caverns the bar indicating how long it will take to finish the task is missing. The avatar just stands there, it looks like nothing's happening, then after a few seconds you get the rocks.

I then harvested some fruit in Adanac and had the same issue there. There is no indication that and action is taking place until you receive the item.

Posted 14 years ago by Jade Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Did you happen to be mining in Karpal Tunnel? I was having problems there too.
    Posted 14 years ago by Catriona Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Happened to me at least 10 - 20 times in various locations.
    Posted 14 years ago by Coffee Pot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It happened to me off and on all day. It was rare that I had a status bar.
    Posted 14 years ago by Jade Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yep, common here too.
    Posted 14 years ago by Bix Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This happens to me too, but not just in Lapulapu Caverns. It happens in quite a few places.
    Posted 14 years ago by Soopa-Fresh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yup, we're on this one. Not sure timeline on fixing it, but one day for sure!
    Posted 14 years ago by jdawg Subscriber! | Permalink