
[confirmed] Collections achievements not triggering instantaneously/at all

I talked briefly to stoot about this in the game, but I recently gassified all of the individual gasses (and held onto some general vapour) in order to get the proper achievement and put them in my root inventory just so there'd be no confusion, but the achievement never fired.

Additionally, when I tried this for fruit yesterday, I again made all of the fruit and placed it into root inventory, but the achievement didn't trigger until I'd already given up and eaten a few of them/moved most of the rest into bags.

Again, for emphasis, I converted all of these items in today's and yesterday's tests.

Posted 14 years ago by Mister Pickets Subscriber! | Permalink


  • We've got a bug filed on this internally. Sorry for the mishap, hopefully this'll be fixed by the next play test.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink