
[confirmed] rainbow run fail while mining

I got invited tot he rain bow run.
After I accepted, it paused a little bit, so I went ahead and started mining again.

Then it took me to the rainbow run, but i was frozen while my mining completed so I only got about 10 seconds of time.

Posted 14 years ago by Rufus Subscriber! | Permalink


  • rainbow run did all kinds of bad stuff

    All my other quests disappeared past and future :(
    Posted 14 years ago by Rufus Subscriber! | Permalink
  • there needs to be a way to completely refuse rainbow run. I can't seem to do it without a mouse and I don't have a mouse. Every time I complete something, even watering a tree, I have to go through the whole speel again just to say no. I've had things taken from me that have dropped to the ground, mostly my fault for not paying attention to my pack but if I didn't have to keep denying the rr quest, I may have picked them up in time.
    Posted 14 years ago by greywolf Subscriber! | Permalink
  • They're gonna move it to the quest list.
    Posted 14 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The prompts to do Rainbow Run are being reworked, where eventually (tentatively) you'll accept the quest, it'll go to your quest list, and you'll then click something in your quest log to actually go off and do the quest. That way you can just accept the quest and move on and save it for another day.

    The quests disappearing is a display issue - the quests are still there, but for some reason the game client doesn't realize it. A refresh of the game will fix that. We're redesigning a few things that should also prevent this problem from coming up again (knock on wood!).

    Being able to mine (and subsequently getting stuck) after you've accepted the quest is a bug, though, so we'll get a fix for that out as soon as we can. Sorry Rufus!
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink