
[awaiting response] Mining Quest Glitch and Underground Status bar

I'll try to tell this as well as I can remember. I was doing the first level mining quest where you get 15 dullite, 13 beryl, and 11 sparkly stone. I was using a standard quality axe, the one that costs 500. I started in chad gallows with the dullite, of which I got a total of 17 pieces. Then i went to maharlika heights for the other two types. From the beryl I got a total of 17 as well. Then I continued to mine from the shiny rock. As I got the last few bits I needed, the quest complete screen popped up. As the screen disappeared and the 4 pieces of shiny rock went into my inventory, i saw that all of the rock I had previously had disappeared except for the 4 shiny rock that had just been added.

Also, I saw this once while down a hole, not sure if it happens a lot. When performing action in an underground area, the status bar seems to get hidden by the ceiling part of the dirt foreground if it is close enough to the character.

Posted 14 years ago by WackyDoodleGal Subscriber! | Permalink


  • When you finish the quest, the turn-in involves the pieces of rock you mined, but it shouldn't have taken *all* of your ore. Are you sure you didn't have the proper amount for each turn-in? The normal turn-in amount is actually 17 dullite, 13 beryl, and 11 sparkly, so if it's possible you only had 13 beryl then that's probably what happened. I tried to reproduce this myself and it worked fine so that's what I suspect, but if you're sure you had more beryl then I can keep an eye out to see if this comes up again.

    The progress bar of your activity should show up in front of level textures, so I'll file a bug on that.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink