
[confirmed] Decimal Auction Prices

Soo today, Glitch is closed. And I was sad that it was closed so I decided to browse our alpha pages. And I found something funny!

I decided to look at the auctions, and then got curious about whether or not I could still get to my inventory while the servers are down. I could. What's even more interesting is what happened when I clicked on one of the items. The (defualt) price that was in the box before I did anything to it had a decimal point.

"How do you get a decimal Currant?" I thought to myself and posted the auction, hoping no one would happen to be looking for a bag of carrot seeds. The auction page lists the price as 25, which is the number without the decimal.

Further testing (with outrageously high prices) show that decimals are always rounded down. Even if you set the price to 99.9, the price would round down to 99, not 100.

I think that prices should, by default, never be decimal, and even if the player types in a decimal, it should always round with the school "4 down, 5 up" system. ^^

Posted 14 years ago by Catriona Subscriber! | Permalink


  • A further note on this. The default prices are being calculated using the formula (going rate x quantity in pack) (which is normal) and then multiplying this by .9

    In other words, a cherry has a going rate of 1 currant. However, the default price is .9 currants per item. Onions, which have a going rate of 4 currants, have a default price of 3.6 currants. And a pungent sunrise, going rate 159, has a default price of 143.1 currants
    Posted 14 years ago by Edward Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Someone has been doing their math. :P
    Posted 14 years ago by Catriona Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'd rather have it always round down if decimals survive. When I want 99 or 99.9 instead of 100, which would be always, it works out.
    Posted 14 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Decimals round down by default, and I don't expect that'll change. We shouldn't present fractional default prices, though.

    Also, please don't preface your posts with things like [unconfirmed]. I use that stuff to keep track of bug posts, and it gets confusing when I see stuff like that.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink