
Teleport Kills Chat (Yet Again, Sorry)

Sorry, I know there are at least two discussions of this but I have searched and searched and can't find one.

I am still unable to Chat after Teleport without reloading.  Yes, I have migrated to the Group Chat (Greeter).  I can enter a comment but it will not post.  Saturday morning I returned after a Greet.  I had nothing to comment on and believed I was in my Group.  After several minutes with no new Greet, I checked "/who" in the Chat only to find that I was NOT listed.  So, I typed a comment and it did not appear in the Chat.  This was especially strange because I was able to type "/who" and get the list of players but I could not post a comment and had to refresh my browser to make it work.

ETA:  BTW, I was "unmuted".  WIN 7, FF 6, Flash WIN 10,3,183,10
ETA #2:  Happened to me again today, Sunday.

Posted 13 years ago by Brib Annie Subscriber! | Permalink