
[awaiting response] repost from Ideas forum mispost: Bug while wandering Maharlika Meadows

This error has been logged! You may wish to head to the bug forum and report it, too. (But you probably don't need to mention it in the Help Chat Channel.)[UncaughtErrorEvent type="uncaughtError" bubbles=true cancelable=true eventPhase=2]

TypeError: Error #1009


This happened earlier as well in another part of the world; prevented me from being able to move after dismissing the dialog (then got an OMG reload!).


Also, just a side note, the error popup is helpful, especially since we can click to copy the error message to the clipboard. Kudos!

Posted 14 years ago by Aerin Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Aerin: Unsure what could've caused this - unfortunately Error #1009s are really vague and tricky to troubleshoot, due to the nature of the error itself. If you see it in the future, you should be able to refresh the client to fix, but it sounds like you figured that out from your first experience.

    Did you see anything funky before the error started popping up?
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I wasn't able to talk for a bit beforehand. I could see everyone else's chats, but mine wouldn't really send. I wasn't doing much at the time they popped up - just walking or trying to pet/water trees. Refreshing the game did help, but it just popped up again. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do much more - I only had time for 20 minutes of testing before I had to run off to a wedding rehearsal.
    Posted 14 years ago by Aerin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Also, not sure if this would help, but at the time, I was on Windows 7, running IE 8.
    Posted 14 years ago by Aerin Subscriber! | Permalink