
[fixed] You can get stuck in Level 1 East

With the new smaller jump height, the right side of Level 1 East is impossible to jump out of (at least at level 10, not sure if my jump gets higher with level). I have a teleport location set, so no big deal for me. But someone who does not could get stuck.

update: I saw and verified this fix ingame

Posted 14 years ago by Noodles Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Thanks for the report. We're fixing these as we find them. If anyone else has issues in any other levels other than those in groddle forest proper (which are all due to be replaced soon) please report them in their own thread with the street name in the bug topic so they're easy to track. Thanks Noodles!
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink