
[fixed] Open cabinet doesn't appear.

Repro Steps
Click on cabinet.
Get the open dialog.
Click open.

Expected Behavior
The cabinet window should open and show the cabinet contents.

Actual Behavior
The cabinet on the wall disappears and no open cabinet shows up. It seems like the game thinks the cabinet is open though, because I can't move. Reloading the game solves the movement problem but I still can't look in my cabinet without the same problem happening again.

Posted 14 years ago by Amy Pond Subscriber! | Permalink


  • This should be fixed now, reload the game again and let me know if it still does this to you. Sorry about that Amy!
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks, I didn't get the chance to try it again in that test, but in a more recent test it worked fine.
    Posted 14 years ago by Amy Pond Subscriber! | Permalink