
[confirmed] Tending a patch when there is not enough energy makes the sound loop forever

I tended a patch and didn't have enough energy. I have near mastery of patch tending, so I have to only make the sound once. This is a constant repeat. Hope this helps.

Posted 14 years ago by Grant Subscriber! | Permalink


  • On every screen forever.
    Posted 14 years ago by Grant Subscriber! | Permalink
  • But then I tended a dark patch and it stopped. I don't know why I had enough energy to tend a dark patch but not a normal one.
    Posted 14 years ago by Grant Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oi, yeah that's irritating. As for the dark patch it may just be that you found some quoins along the way but I'll make sure the energy requirements are consistent. Thanks Grant!
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • And yes it looks like the patches require the same amount of energy, so you probably just came across a quoin or something on your travels.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink