
[awaiting response] Intermittently [ENTER] / [SPACE] not detected

safari 5, flash player 10.1 - i either can't jump (press space), or can't hit enter to send a message.

Posted 14 years ago by captainbenis Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Same here, on Chrome. (Mac)

    When I click on the omnibox, I can't go back into game typing or moving with arrow keys. This also happens when I want to take a screenshot using Cmd+Shift+4+Space Bar.
    Posted 14 years ago by Hburger Subscriber! | Permalink
  • captainbenis: What are you doing before and after you find this condition? Do you have a work-around like clicking on the game screen to bring it back into focus?

    Hburger: Chrome in particular has a lot of issues with keeping proper keyboard focus. We've got a few open bugs related to the issue, but we haven't been able to put the time into fixing them yet.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink