
[known issue] Quest Log

Dont know if this is a bug or just me, but the quest log keeps popping up after I click close...there is another dialog box behind it, I believe it is trying to tell me about a certain quest, but because of the quest log in my way I can not click through to it!

Posted 14 years ago by Crunchy Eyeballs Subscriber! | Permalink


  • okay, I guess I can move the quest log...just kidding
    Posted 14 years ago by Crunchy Eyeballs Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is a known issue, and if you refresh your client that *should* stop it, but you do need to accept all of your quests or your pet rock will continue to remind you of the quests. The backlog of pending quests is a result of some changes we implemented right before adding in a number of new skill and level-related quests, and I think this is probably exacerbating the problem a bit.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink