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Topic Instigator
The fulfillment of the "Get Sauced" achievement is a cruel letdown... 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by Gabi EgIantine Subscriber!
[fixed] Focusing Orb 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob caley dunn Subscriber!
Unbroken Tinkertool says it needs repair 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by Tradescantia Tradescantia Subscriber!
[confirmed] No signpost to Egelsgown Wanks in Gregarious Grange 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob Hburger Subscriber!
Bureaucratic Arts III 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by Gabi leah Subscriber!
Subscription 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Puck Puck Subscriber!
Top bar (Alpha Site) 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by Hburger Hburger Subscriber!
Vanity - no way to dismiss/cancel the "That item is only available to subscribers" dialog box 5 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob Shadowy Time Subscriber!
Wardrobe tooltip positioning wacky 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob Xupa Subscriber!
Milking butterflies with the same name counts as milking 1 butterfly. 4 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Ixirim Ixirim Subscriber!
Kicked out by link in spice milling - salt 3 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Emu Emu Subscriber!
Alpine Vista Hardware Vendor, missing pictures 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Misha Misha Subscriber!
[fixed] death on the groddle express 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob bluto Subscriber!
Bureaucratic Department wall bug 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob Hburger Subscriber!
[fixed] Game status circle position 4 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob Hburger Subscriber!
Where can we put a screenshot for a bug 5 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Tingly Emu Subscriber!
Tinkering IV takes 10 days to learn 6 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by RobotGymnast Quintus Subscriber!
[fixed] Game status symbol 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by Hburger haskomasko Subscriber!
Ah, Flash. 10 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Misha Plurp Subscriber!
[fixed] Balcam stacks vendor 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by RobotGymnast RobotGymnast Subscriber!
game closed but I'm still there 5 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob caley dunn Subscriber!
[resolved] Cannot go home 4 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Beefcake teet Subscriber!
"Please Wait" buff persists after existing Bureaucratic Hall 4 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob Quintus Subscriber!
Duplicate but different stats showing after actions 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob Eleanor Rigby Subscriber!
Sparkle Powder Description 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob RobotGymnast Subscriber!
Stuck at Humus Hollow/Quimchary 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob Mr. Mister Subscriber!
[resolved] Garden: Oops. Somehow you failed at cleaning that. 8 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Skylla charliepark Subscriber!
[Not bug, misunderstanding] Firefly Quest Completed Prematurely 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by dopiaza dopiaza Subscriber!
[fixed] Speech bubble bug 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob bluto Subscriber!
Reward information overlapping. 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by Ixirim Yeoman Subscriber!
Donation information overlapping 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by bluto Herp Derp Subscriber!
[investigating] non-creepy stalking badge 6 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob rothko Subscriber!
[fixed] Animal Kinship I has been taken over by Bureaucratic Arts III 3 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Yeoman Gabi Subscriber!
Item Classification of Cup of Water? 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Gabi Yeoman Subscriber!
Singing butterfly bonuses are sometimes double -- feature or a bug? 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob clare Subscriber!
bug (?) opens back door into the world 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob katlazam Subscriber!
[fixed] Flashing mouseover in Encyclopedia/Achievements 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob Moumoushou Subscriber!
[fixed] Exotic Juice Description Incorrect 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob dopiaza Subscriber!
[fixed] Knife and boards 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob Plurp Subscriber!
[resolved] Level Number Bleed Displayed On Some Player Profiles. 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Hburger Yeoman Subscriber!
[investigating] Line over the avatar picture in profile page 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by Yeoman Moumoushou Subscriber!
[fixed] Achievements not logged? 3 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by bluto bluto Subscriber!
Crap Cupboard Missing 4 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by dopiaza dopiaza Subscriber!
[fixed] Can't take action on batterflies 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob Herp Derp Subscriber!
[fixed] page layout 6 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Lord Bacon-o caley dunn Subscriber!
[resolved] Wrong God listed when checking favour & favour is 0 8 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by dopiaza shhexy corin Subscriber!
[fixed] Sell dialog: format broken for quantities over 99 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob dopiaza Subscriber!
Invisible Spinning Wheel in Marylpole Mount 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by quoo quoo Subscriber!
[fixed] Two green toolbox listings in encyclopedia 5 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Amy Pond Amy Pond Subscriber!
[redacted] Jellisac description 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by bluto Hburger Subscriber!
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