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Topic Instigator
[fixed] Beaker formula in Quest Text does not match Beaker Dialogue 3 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Cassiopia quoo Subscriber!
item stacks not working right from auction items to giant donations 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by clare clare Subscriber!
Timed buffs occasionally not timing out 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by Soap Bubble Lord Snuffles Subscriber!
Mobile Site 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Tibor Sweet Sadie Wren Subscriber!
Gurly Drinks' "Easy Animalia" benefit does not include butterflies 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob tiff Subscriber!
[not a bug] Out of quests and skills (sad face) 3 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by tiff tiff Subscriber!
[resolved] Chicken in the roof of the cave in Strucote Stacks 3 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by tiff tiff Subscriber!
[Resolved] "Active project" in Kipacre Greens -- nowhere to be found 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob Soap Bubble Subscriber!
[resolved] Text flickers in Safari when hovering over page navigation 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by dopiaza dopiaza Subscriber!
[resolved] All floaty 5 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Beefcake Lord Bacon-o Subscriber!
[resolved] Quest Log screen bug 1 reply    Latest: 13 years ago by Beefcake nightning Subscriber!
[not a bug] My shirt is possessed! 4 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Lelu Lelu Subscriber!
"Blog" heading on "Home" 4 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Mr. Burka rothko Subscriber!
[fixed] Batterfly ? Butterfly 2 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Cainunable Skywise Subscriber!
[responded] Planting Tree Beans 7 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by bluto bluto Subscriber!
[investigating] Resizing Window produces garbled graphics 3 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Beefcake Rhymer Subscriber!
[known issue] Garden missing plots 6 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Beefcake bluto Subscriber!
[resolved] Watering can sound stuck 5 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Beefcake Bruce Subscriber!
[known issue] Coin/point floaters around a character 8 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Hburger tiff Subscriber!
[investigating] Also, quest/help problem with going to hell. 8 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by Cap'n Bob Bitsy Subscriber!
Can't Get In 4 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob Peter Verona Subscriber!
[investigating] Quests and Project completion corrupting display 4 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob bluto Subscriber!
[fixed] Buy/Sell problem 4 replies    Latest: 13 years ago by kevbob Flugel Subscriber!
Oh Dear Error... 8 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Pixel Pixel Subscriber!
"Add your friends!" page empty? 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Ani Laurel Claude Subscriber!
[fixed] Not able to collect XP, Quoins, etc. 6 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake leah Subscriber!
Game Progress Not in Sync on Different Browsers on Mac OS X 10.6.5 and iOS 4.2.1 (Chrome/Safari/Mobile Safari) 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Sycroxii Eandz Sycroxii Eandz Subscriber!
Peat Bog - no sound when harvesting 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Danny Shadowy Time Subscriber!
Cannot "Set as Destination" to a street project 5 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Jade Neatly Sliced Subscriber!
Vendor "type" obscured by label. 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Rastem Yeoman Subscriber!
[resolved - Work in Progress] Images not loading. Causes stuff to not appear/work/interact properly. 5 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Ixirim Ixirim Subscriber!
Work Contributions Stopped Incrementing 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by nightning Cainunable Subscriber!
Tii Street pile on 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by bluto caley dunn Subscriber!
Street Building Trophy for top 8 Contributors? Not Awarded? 5 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by tiff Cunning Linguist Subscriber!
Finished quest refuse to be completed 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by caley dunn Snail Subscriber!
I'm not eligible to learn a skill, yet I'm learning it anyway. 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Cainunable Girly Girl Subscriber!
Items from fecundity powder drop below visible terrain 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by NinjaOwl Mursock Subscriber!
holiday quest didn't drop the thing 3 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Zolw Tingly Subscriber!
Embiggen Quest/Cat on the rug event not triggering correctly 3 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Bella Adgeman Subscriber!
Achievement = Badge 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Zara Wunderwoot Eleanor Rigby Subscriber!
[confirmed] Clicking Buy/Sell in Uncle Friendlys Emporium acts weird. 3 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Freeman _hristine Subscriber!
Street Completion Reward dialog appears twice 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Cunning Linguist Lelu Subscriber!
Cancelled mining midway through, but the sound is still going.. 3 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Space Teacake _e.t Subscriber!
project reward cannot be dismissed 3 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by zeeberk zeeberk Subscriber!
Map tried to route me UP The Other Drop 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Zolw Ninja Subscriber!
Opera Browser optimizing 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by coxy Daavpuke Subscriber!
Shrine in my House, duplicated shrine/vendors on Louise Pasture 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by tiff tiff Subscriber!
[resolved] Player below ground level - Ti Street 5 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Amy Pond Hburger Subscriber!
Registration via Facebook Connect fails on Chrome 6 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by mads ralfas Subscriber!
Mab Grendaline mix 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Jenllip caley dunn Subscriber!
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