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Topic Instigator
[confirmed] Misspelling in revised 'Design your avatar' : shoes 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Lelu Subscriber!
[confirmed] Repairing your Tinkertool 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake SuperHappyFun Subscriber!
[investigating] Errors on startup 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Hburger Subscriber!
[awaiting response] Avatar suddenly changes when emotional 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Hburger Subscriber!
[fixed] Achievement number typos 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake RealJimBob Subscriber!
[confirmed] Group search doesn't find "UK" 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Ben Subscriber!
[fixed] Can't afford a Focusing Orb? Locked 5 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Matchu Matchu Subscriber!
[investigating] Singapore tester: previous tests were great, but I can't even enter the world this time. 12 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Ixirim Soap Bubble Subscriber!
The Rube disappeared 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Bingobar charliepark Subscriber!
[confirmed] Extra Currants and Level Up?? 4 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by thu-thu thu-thu Subscriber!
[not a bug] Typo in shrine to Cosma dialog 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Nevet Nevet Subscriber!
[awaiting response] Could not weed my garden 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Suzy Spring Suzy Spring Subscriber!
[not a bug] Climbing Street Posts 7 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Austang Subscriber!
[confirmed] Runtime error upon shaking butterfly milk 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by quoo quoo Subscriber!
[fixed] Spelling mistake on sign-out 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Mr. Burka wurzel Subscriber!
[awaiting response] "You don't meet all the requirements..." on in-progress skills 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Another Chris Delphin Subscriber!
[duplicate] Garden plot truncation 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by tiff tiff Subscriber!
[confirmed] Missing Grendaline Emblem 3 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake leah Subscriber!
[not a bug] Too much spinach 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Jerry Garcia Subscriber!
[not a bug] Defying Gravity 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Soopa-Fresh Subscriber!
[awaiting response] Shrine to Alph unclickable 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake SuperHappyFun Subscriber!
[confirmed] Missing image for Emblem of Pot in Auction 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Mina Subscriber!
[confirmed] Hitting the cold stuff. 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake _hristine Subscriber!
[fixed] Hairball - No verb tooltip 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Bitsy Subscriber!
[confirmed] Ring of the Giants? 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake _hristine Subscriber!
[awaiting response] Empty array foreach'd in group index 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Jade Matchu Subscriber!
[confirmed] Completed "Go Jump In a Hole" without Jumping in the Hole 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Cunning Linguist Subscriber!
[fixed] Incorrect purchase prices 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Atalanta Subscriber!
[confirmed] Invisible pig when you first learn how to pet animals 5 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Soap Bubble Subscriber!
[fixed] Overcharging for Focusing Orb 3 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Kolariah Subscriber!
[fixed] Pot shrine broken 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Soopa-Fresh Subscriber!
House price at purchase / house price now 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by charliepark charliepark Subscriber!
[fixed] Supplicate to Naught? 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake ping Subscriber!
[confirmed] Opening Bags while performing actions [not a bug] 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake SuperHappyFun Subscriber!
[emergency has passed]: Global Chat issues 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Staff Topic Beefcake Subscriber!
[awaiting response] Mining a Rock made more rock appear. 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake _hristine Subscriber!
[awaiting response] Garlic Kiss quest 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Jade Grumpy Scots Git Subscriber!
[confirmed] Overlapping Text Bubbles 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Cunning Linguist Subscriber!
[investigating] Focus Energy vs Meditate 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Brady Subscriber!
[confirmed] Empty Updates on home page 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake Hburger Subscriber!
[confirmed] Lost street creation contribution 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake GregBear Subscriber!
Going Right 3 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Jade Edward Subscriber!
[fixed] Some Street Spirits don't 'load' 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Beefcake RealJimBob Subscriber!
Mining Sound Won't Stop1!! 10 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Eleanor Rigby Soopa-Fresh Subscriber!
[confirmed] Chicken has been incubating egg for several hours / tests 6 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by LechD quoo Subscriber!
Safari, OS X, and glitch 3 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Edward Edward Subscriber!
Rock doesn't give rewards when completed Quests (Requires a reload) 3 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by clare Hburger Subscriber!
Glitch not working, newest Firefox + newest Flash 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by Delphin Delphin Subscriber!
Gardening needs some work... 2 replies    Latest: 14 years ago by tiff Munchy McMunch Subscriber!
Impossible chicken in Northwest Passage 1 reply    Latest: 14 years ago by Sasson El Yak Subscriber!
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