
Staff Topic

The official shutdown thread …

Glitch is closing. The details are here:

We will do our best to answer everyone's questions (but please take a moment to read the announcement and FAQ before jumping in). Information on refunds is here:

Over the next few weeks we'll going to be releasing all kinds of things that were saved for later, nearly-done, previously-shelved or are in various states of design. We will do our best to help everyone get the most of the time which remains — you've all been given (or will shortly be given) 2,500 credits and a free subscription.

New signups and payments are now closed.

I feel sick.

[Edited to add, a few hours later]: I feel much better. Thank you everyone, for all the love! Amazing, beautiful and touching.

Posted 12 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • Thank you all, TS and the community.

    I had fun.

    Posted 12 years ago by Ebrael Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Nooooo D: Why can only greedy developers, who copy
    other succesful games, survive? It's not fair. Glitch is
    amazing, unique and above all great fun! I loved it for the
    time it lasted <3 Good luck to all the tiny speckers! ^^
    Posted 12 years ago by Juulpower Subscriber! | Permalink
         Not just TS and Stoot but everyone! this game drew in a crowd of upbeat kind fun loving and loving people, and just by its nature and structure almost demanded it. To those I have had the honor to have played with thank you so much for the treasured smiles giggles and laughter you shared with me, to those I never got to meet be assured that I have no doubt you brought many smiles to those you played with and I do wish we had the chance to meet.
         To Stewart and Tiny Speck Staff, you brought so much fun and happiness to so many! I know your aware of some but the fact of the matter is, you not only created a fun and beautiful game, you also created many many friendships between people from everywhere. I don't see any way someone on the inside could really see the scope of the beauty you created in so many ways. Look at all the love written here in this thread and you see only a fraction.
         It is my wish that the love and happiness you gave to all of us returns to you 1000 fold. I am in hopes you will all see bright shining wonderful futures no matter where you may go! I also hope like all hell you continue to create and shine and that i am once again blessed to be there to see it!!! Namaste' and Love to all!
    Posted 12 years ago by Baldiboo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm a newish player but I am sad to see Glitch go. It was nice to have a game without violence and the artwork and music is beautiful.
    Posted 12 years ago by Lloer Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is the only game i've ever stuck with. It was such a special experience, the perfect combination of clever play, beautiful graphics, amazingly responsive development, and a truly delightful player community. Thank you to all you devs and players for this wonderful year+. I'm trying not to be sad it's over, and just be glad it happened. But it's hard. Peace and love, sweet glitchen. Hope we meet again in another world!
    Posted 12 years ago by justpeace Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I thank all of you for your effort and dedication to this project. I've been a Glitchen for about two years now and I still remember the day I signed up with an invitation of a stranger who was kind enough to give me one. This community offered me so much happiness in times of sadness. I will never forget you and I hope someday in the future be able to see this game come to life again. 

    And now I'm going to Nottis depress myself... 
    Posted 12 years ago by hayleysky Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Glitch amazed me the first time I logged in, and your crazy creativity kept amazing me every time I wandered in Ur. After so many months playing it, it was still really enjoying discovering new details, and all the new stuff the Giants imagined, and how the Glitches used it.

    I hoped the announcement was a way to introduce new months in the Glitchian year (well, it was the 1st of Doom). 

    TS, thank you a lot for this really great piece of enjoyable art.
    Posted 12 years ago by Oronzo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • What's wrong with you people? WHY ARE YOU SO PASSIVE AND ACCEPTING?!?!

    Help fight to keep this game, this community, this world of imagination! 

    They say this game doesnt attract enough people, but there are THOUSANDS of us. If we all work, we can save this game. Publicise, use our invites, donate to tiny speck. Whatever it takes! 
    Posted 12 years ago by eclipse666 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I don't know what to say D:

    I feel sad, sick and empty...

    I've really enjoyed the time I've spend in Glitch and it will always have a special place in my heart and mind.

    The community was the best I've seen in my whole life and I don't think we'll see one like this in a long time...

    Thank you TS; Thank you for the wonderful moments I had from Glitch.
    Thank you TS; Thank you for the uniqueness this game offered.
    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you
    You guys are awesome and I wish you all the best. You guys did a great job and I'm sad it has to end like this.

    Thanks you

    PS: We need to Kickstart this! for the love of Glitch!
    Posted 12 years ago by Rutger Subscriber! | Permalink
  • this is the worst news ever!


    i love this game. and my suzi nothomemaker. ):
    Posted 12 years ago by Suzi Nothomemaker Subscriber! | Permalink
  • (  the mayans were right!  )

    So sad to say goodbye to something I played for numerous hours on end.
    Thanks Glitch!
    Posted 12 years ago by roderick ordonez Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Cheerio chaps, cheerio goodbye...
    Posted 12 years ago by Anaglyph Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you all for your most awesome kind words.  We'll miss you all just as much as you'll miss us!  You're an amazingly awesome community and I was proud to work with you all.
    Hold onto all those memories!  <3
    Posted 12 years ago by glowwingz Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So sad, Faunasphere all over again:( I have had so much fun here with old friends and new. Thank You Stoot and all who work for Tiny Speck for all you have done. You all must feel very gutted just like us, you have been like family to us. I don't know what to say, I am just flabbergasted. The first thing I always do is go to the fourums to see what new and wonderful things you all have dreamed up for us. So very sorry, never again to see that red closed sign, love you all.
    Posted 12 years ago by Miss Melody Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You guys did an awesome job, I really enjoyed this game and my wife did too.  I don't normally post on forums like this, but I feel like I have to. 

    I will legitimately miss this game more than I miss any other game I used to play. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Jotaro Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Damn those rooks. This is what they were planning. Sneaky.
    Posted 12 years ago by Stevie Prickles Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I’m more then sad, I’m really mad. 

    you Tiny Speck guys have inspired me and a lot of people how to behave in the real world, playing in this other weird but charming existence, you told us that is nice to watch each other, to be humble, that it’s ok to ask for help and enjoy in community, but completely failed asking for OUR help.

    Why don’t you guys shared the difficulties you were struggling with? I confess I never pay a cent to play, because I never guessed that the game existence was in cause. 

    This awesome game couldn’t exist without you, but we all feel that’s our fault why it is ending, if it is we deserve another chance, use ads, make more credit depending advantages in the game, I don’t know, but many of us were (and still are) willing to help you if we just knew in time.

     I’m Portuguese, sorry for my English,

    Please don’t give up on the glitch community and the glitch community will prove that not only the game is unique, but we also are unique, just ask for our help.

    You have done your best, give us a chance of doing something in return.
    Posted 12 years ago by zoom.b Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm so sorry to see this game go! It was a really lovely experience, and it had become something of a soothing comfort blanket for me when I needed it. I had a wonderful time scattering poetry throughout the world, and my glitch even wrote a few books! I want to just gather up all the awesome experiences and memories from playing and hold them close. Tiny Speck is welcome to join me. We can make a pile. I wish the company the best of luck in the future. You've proven you have several Giants' worth of imagination! I know you'll make something great with it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Larurua Subscriber! | Permalink
  • OMG OMG i am so...surprised....
    Two weeks ago one of my favourite we game glitch is closing
    What is happening? all my favourite awesome game are shutung down!
    Now i dont have a decent web game!
    WHY?(I saw your post telling us why, but that just dont convince me)
    Is it really about money?
    Posted 12 years ago by lolol Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I had the weirdest dreams tonight...

    In the first one, a samurai was performing the ceremony of harakiri, thinking about having failed his mission and doing the last thing to do - preserving his honour. This scene somehow transited into a vision of Stoot penning down the closing FAQ entry's last words. The metaphorical pain had to be similar...

    In the second dream, I was wandering in a futuristic, tiny, domed habitat. A small paradise in the middle of a (for some reason) fantasy themed megalopolis. I walked the dirt paths, admired the trees, the ponds, remembered where all the individual animals had their shelters, breathed the vibrant fresh air. All the time I was conscious that the protective dome was vanishing... And finally it was gone, sucking the fresh air out in gusts of wind, dooming the habitat to die in the new, hostile atmosphere.

    Glitch really must have meant a lot for my subconsciousness. Thank you again for this, Tiny Speck.
    Posted 12 years ago by Asthner Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Though I am still in the denial phase of grief, I really want to thanks all the devs and staff who were brilliant to us players. This is such a fun world to inhabit, and it would not have got there without your input to making it and moderating it. A special shout out to the billing staff whom I drove crazy too.
    Stoot, thank you ever so much for trying. I'm heartbroken it didn't work yet other crap still keeps trucking along. May your next endeavour succeed in a flickr kinda way again.
    Posted 12 years ago by Gracious Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Wow. I'm so sad this game is closing down. I just rediscovered it a few months ago and have really started enjoying it again. Good luck to everyone on staff and I hope you all make your way back into the industry so I can play more amazing games like Glitch!
    Posted 12 years ago by Evallia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • so sad and disappointed to hear this, Glitch has become a regular part of my life. It is so weird and beautiful, and a true joy to play.

    best wishes and good luck to stoot and the rest of the TS team, i hope that you all feel very proud of what you have created, and what a gift you have given to all of us.

    thank you
    Posted 12 years ago by Dagny Taggart Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I never ever in my wildest imaginings thought this could happen.  I thought Glitch would be here forever.  T_T  

    I feel like I'm losing a weird branch of my extended family.  You know, those ones who wear socks with sandals or tacky Christmas sweaters.  Or both.  At the same time.  In July.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm gonna miss you guys a lot.  This is the best game I've ever played.
    Posted 12 years ago by whimpypotato Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sad as it is I wish all the Dev's n crew  good luck on their next venture. Your imagination and prompt response to " glitchs" has made this game the most enjoyable to date.
    Many players will feel down  but not as much as yourselves, having put your heart into a product for so long.  All I can say  that has not already been said is Thank You all.
    Gumby Roffo aka Pete
    Posted 12 years ago by Gumby_Roffo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've been playing online games pretty much since there was an online to be played upon.  Heck, I used to run a MUD once. 

    Glitch has a uniqueness and a community feel no other place I've ever known has had.  

    I can understand why it's closing down, but that doesn't stop me from being heart broken.

    I live alone. I'm disabled and in the winter, when the snow comes, it can be 2-3 months before I can get out of my house by myself. I own no TV, no radio. The Internet is my only connection to the universe.  I thought I'd have Glitch to keep me company this winter, and that was a big comfort.

    Thank you, Stoot, and the rest of TS, for making my life a little brighter, even if just for a few months.
    Posted 12 years ago by Moose J Finklestein Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm devastated. This was one of the best games I've played. I can't believe there's no way to save it but of course if there was, you would. The Glitch team has my deepest empathy and respect. May your roads be blessed by the powers that be, or may you continue on to even better successes ahead.

    And I'll see our Glitchers of Loathing over at our other game, Kingdom of Loathing!
    Posted 12 years ago by Laureth Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm so sad glitch is closing :(

    I downloaded all the music available to download (I love the music)

    I may download all the wallpapers too.
    Posted 12 years ago by mango madness Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm having a hard time accepting this.. It was so sudden, it was just recently that people had the option to register without an invite..

    I suffer from depressions and anxieties, and every day I'd run home all excited to play Glitch. When I got up this morning and saw the message I felt... broken. I know I will never find a game that I'll enjoy as much as I've enjoyed Glitch.. It felt like a second home to me. I'll miss everything so much..

    I too want to say that I'd accept adds and even click on them to keep everything going.. as well as donate.. You could even have add-clicking feats once in a while so we'd get some goodies while getting paid..

    I'm angry, I'm sad, and I'm in denial.

    Before I go cry some more, I'd just like to say thank you so much Tiny Speck.. I hope some day you can give Glitch another go, and I wish both the staff and players good luck in the future. I love you all and I'll miss you <3
    Posted 12 years ago by Lady SleepsAlot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I only have been around for about 2 months, but this game has been the best online game I've found so far and it makes me (like every glitchen) very sad that it's going to shut down now.

    I just want to take some time now to thanks the developer for making such an awesome game and for their great support and endurance during all the time Glitch has been running.

    I also want to thanks to all the fellow glitchen that contributed to the awesome cummunity that made this game so wonderful and unique.

    My final words will be Goodnight Ur, have sweet dreams, you'll always be a cherised memory in my heart.

    P.S. If I accidentally posted this twice, I'm sorry.
    Posted 12 years ago by Fresh Mango Spirit Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am so sorry. Glitch is a wonderful place - it was a refuge in my life. I loved finding the wonders, oddities and the happy sense of humour things. I especially loved when the trees and rocks and things started talking to us, most particularly the barnacles. 

    I am sorry I didn't do a better job of spreading the word. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Wren Bramble Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have never done this kind of thing before, and now I think I'm pretty much ruined for anything else.  Thank you for making this game kick so much, and so many kinds of ass.  Wish we could have imagined longer but I appreciate what I had while I had it.

    Posted 12 years ago by Scarlett Bearsdale Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Please give my love to all the staff. Glitch has been my home for over 18 months, and I feel like I am losing my entire family all at once. I'm so glad I got to know everyone here. I really enjoyed being a Greeter and especially a Guide for so long... I have loved helping so many people every day. I'm going to miss it all so much.
    Thank you to all the staff for all their hard work. We all had some great times because of all the awesome stuff you put together. The world will be losing something wonderful and special when Glitch is gone.
    {{{hugs}}} all around.
    Posted 12 years ago by Zany Serendipity Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Tiny Speck,
    I want you to know that though I have only played this game a short while, I will make the last days count. I love this game more than any other I've ever played. As a friend of mine, who just joined the game, says "It's the only game out there that awards you for being nice to people instead of killing them! It's the ultimate hippie game" I usually follow that up with "It's the only game as weird as us!"
    This is a beautiful, amazing, creative land that you have cultivated and my heart is broken. This must be terrible for you, but thank you. Thank you for your time and energy, and most of all, thank  you for bringing people together in a space that nurtured being nice and giving, and was so creative and the best of every game i've ever played wrapped into one. I will mourn this game, but celebrate it's sort existence. I wish you could stay around, I'd even pay to play! I know that isn't in the cards for your guys, but I want you to know that you made an amazing game that I have really enjoyed playing and I will miss it so very much ;( Thank you TS team for so much awesome
    Posted 12 years ago by Lady Snugglesworth Subscriber! | Permalink
  • As I explained to someone who I got to sign up recently:  "It's not just a game, it's a COMMUNITY!"  Once signed up she marveled at how friendly and helpful people are, and how addicting it had become!    

    It's true. I myself had became a Glitchen about a year ago to stop the continuous badgering from my kids to do so - and I have enjoyed every bit of it!  (So much so that I surpassed both of them in Img and levels!)

    A great sadness fell over our household this morning when I told them of the announcement.  Glitch has always "been there" for us.  It was comforting to know it was there, and would be there, when we wanted to escape to our alternate reality.

    T.S.  -  I didn't expect a refund, nor do I want one.   All the time and effort you put forth into this world, along with all the great people I have met and all the fun I have had - you earned it, please keep it! 

    I'm sure you have explored every avenue, but I also wish there were some way our little world could stay afloat.  Mandatory subscriptions to continue playing the game?   Some suggested a Kickstarter plan?  Donations?

    I wish I would have done more to help keep Glitch alive.  Thank you T.S. for providing the wonderful world of Glitch for us.  I hope for the very best in your future endeavors.
    Posted 12 years ago by Glondor Glitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Playing Glitch is the most fun I've had on the Internet.

    Thank you so much for this game, for the music and artwork, for the crazy imagination filled world, the subtle (and not so subtle humor) and for giving us a chance to play in it.

    I've played a few other games, but none of them have come close to Glitch.

    I'll miss this crazy world.

    Thank you, stoot, and everyone at TS <3
    Posted 12 years ago by Pearl Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is one of those moments when I'm quickly trying to brainstorm ways I can help. I wish we could have a donation drive like wikipedia does as well as a member drive. I feel like the only reason this game didn't get a big fan base was because not enough people have heard about it. Let's be real, I only heard about it because my boyfriend (who primarily makes games/videos in flash) told me I might like it (and I did, a lot).

    Seriously, if every current member donated $x and brought in 10-20 of their friends, could we bring it back? Maybe the recently displaced Gaians of Summer Springs (there are a lot) might be interested.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sprankles Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you so much for this wonderful place and your excellent and responsive customer service, TSers. Glitch has given me much enjoyment and comfort, and am very sad to see it go.  I don't expect or want a refund. Please keep everything - I wish it were more. Hope you all land on your feet and keep doing awesome things. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Essgee Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Please let us know if you ever do anything like this again. Thank you sooo much for making such a great game!!! It literally was the best game I've ever played in my entire life.
    The staff is awesome and I am forever grateful you took a chance on this game. It was a rousing success on all fronts except financially it seems, but hey: you can't take it with you when you die anyway. . . I'm still in shock but I am focusing on all the positives about this game: the players, the staff, Stoot, the amazing oddball creativity that went into this moveable work of art.
    Thank you thank you thank you!
    Posted 12 years ago by Gordon Lughsen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Holy crap....I just realized something... this might be OUR FAULT!!!
    If this is the case, please let us try again!!!  We can do better, we promise :(
    Posted 12 years ago by Gadzooks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The game looked great, it was fun, it was positive, it was funny as heck, and it was full of wonderful glitchen. 

    May the Giants bless everyone who worked on this project.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ugly Eddie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I feel bad for the people who lost their jobs and am sorry that happened to you all.

    Honestly, I don't buy any of this...There's something that stinks here...

    I became very suspious about Glitch when the game when back into Beta and all the damn changes kept happening and very few straight answers about when it would become live...Yet, TS continued to tell us that there was plenty of investor money, and all was well.

    Yet TS will stay in business?


    Posted 12 years ago by MeherMan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yet TS will stay in business?Really. 

    I'm fairly sure the core team will have things up their sleeves that aren't just sodden hankies.  They're smart cookies.
    Posted 12 years ago by shhexy corin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is all a bad dream right? If I just try hard enough I'll wake up....

    Posted 12 years ago by Geeki Yogini Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I just loved this game and all of its quirkiness.  I am sad to see it go, although I understand why. Please keep us informed as to whether there will be a next project and, if it is a game :) what it is and when we can start playing it :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Jhonn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thankyou for the great memories of meeting beautiful folks and staff to you, all claps hands loudly to each and everyone at TS. I pray for you all that your future will be full of happiness and this too shall pass and you will find yourselves in a new venture.The door closes but you will enter into a newer kind of light happenings.I am a great believer of to-morrow and take what we learned from yesterday.So may God and all his wonderful gifts give each and everyone of your staff TS  a new journey soon.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jellybelly Baby Subscriber! | Permalink
  • You have done good by us, TS.  Refunding the money and giving us some time to play still and collect up pictures and memories and friends information is so classy and responsible of you. I've had other wonderful games go tits up in the past with nary a word from developers other than empty promises.  Your playerbase loves you and we love Glitch.  Tragic to see something so funny and creative go.  I hope the anger and confusion and desperate pleas for rescue and denial show you exactly how much we love the space you made for us.  What time I got to spend in the grand imagining here has been wonderful.  Brightest blessings and best of luck in everything you all do.  Do keep us apprised of future projects, you have devoted people here who are ready to support all your efforts.

    Be proud of all you've done.  You have made something magical that touched a lot of hearts and made many people's lives better.  There is little more we can do in this life to make the world a better place.  I'm proud to have been a part of it.  Thank you again for how amazingly you are handling the whole thing.  I am so so pleased at how much you love us back.
    Posted 12 years ago by mightywench Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you all.  Glitch was a beautiful game.  
    Posted 12 years ago by figmentj Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is a real shame, but I've loved the time I spent in this world. Good luck to Tiny Speck, and everybody I've had fun playing the game with. Thanks for the memories.
    Posted 12 years ago by WarrenPeace Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I feel like I should post again saying I know my friends and I would pay to play this game!! We could Kickstart or anything else to keep it going! We could keep inviting!!! I know more people would play if we publicized it a little more! Don't give up on us TS!!! We won't give up on you!
    Posted 12 years ago by Lady Snugglesworth Subscriber! | Permalink
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