
Staff Topic

The official shutdown thread …

Glitch is closing. The details are here:

We will do our best to answer everyone's questions (but please take a moment to read the announcement and FAQ before jumping in). Information on refunds is here:

Over the next few weeks we'll going to be releasing all kinds of things that were saved for later, nearly-done, previously-shelved or are in various states of design. We will do our best to help everyone get the most of the time which remains — you've all been given (or will shortly be given) 2,500 credits and a free subscription.

New signups and payments are now closed.

I feel sick.

[Edited to add, a few hours later]: I feel much better. Thank you everyone, for all the love! Amazing, beautiful and touching.

Posted 12 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • Must add my 'sadness' to the list. It was so nice to have a creative, relaxing place to drop into. Have to go release my pets into the glitchian wilds. Thanks for the trip. Best of luck to all involved.
    Posted 12 years ago by Crow Corvus Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Been here since the start.  Wandered off. Terribly sad to see Glitch off the rails.
    Wish you all the best; sincerely think this was just a little early.  Glitch will be heralded as very forward thinking and inspire worlds to come.
    Posted 12 years ago by forksclovetofu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh, TS. :(   Thank you for sharing Glitch with us and letting us play in your minds.
    Posted 12 years ago by Feylin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I still feel so sad, I'll really miss the wonders of Ur. I know I'm sad because that's when I'm prone to becoming creative. Hopefully these song lyrics to the tune of Still Alive I just wrote after being unable to sleep until 10am then passing out will show at least both my enjoyment og Glitch and my hopes for Tiny Speck going forward.

    I hope you all enjoy it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Rednic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Wow, I was lurking in global and heard talk of 'closing down'..........I seriously thought they were fooling around.  I really wish they had been.  This game has been whacky and so much fun, I am going to miss it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ac0rn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am so sad. I have been here so long.  Since the beginning when we were funny little things with tentacles on our heads and before that even.

    Thank you TS for the best time I have had online.

    I think it may be true that there are not enough people in the world who want an intelligent, creative, adult but non-violent game.   This is not the fault of TS.  It is the fault of the world.

    Now the world is even worse.  I am so sad.
    Posted 12 years ago by Cassandria Subscriber! | Permalink
  • First MMO for me too and I haven't been playing for a long time but I fell in love when petting my first piggie. How could I not? Thank you for such a beautiful, quirky, poetic and, dare I see it, deeply human world. Thank you for making a space where kindness and cooperation were encouraged. For always trying to give us more. Thank you for giving me a place where I felt at home. Thank you for making me happy. This game never let me down. You never let me down and I was happy to support you. I wish you all the best and I sincerely hope everybody on the team will find a new job very quickly. *hugs*
    Posted 12 years ago by Apolline Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So much profound sadness in this thread.   I wanted to read it all before commenting but I only got to page 5.   Will have to have to finish reading tonight.     

    I'm not a crier but I'm pretty sure I'll bawl my eyes out when they play the Good Night Groddle song for the last time :(
    Posted 12 years ago by Treesa Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Can't believe I sit here crying over a game that;s ending... thanks for everything TS!
    Posted 12 years ago by WeavingTheWeb Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Well the first days are the hardest days, don't you worry any more
    'Cause when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door
    Think this through with me, let me know your mind
    Wo-oh, what I want to know is, are you kind?*

    There are many things I have appreciated about Glitch: The virtual world, created by developers with mad skills, that could support and respond to thousands of people who were, whether they realized it or not, engaging in interdependent decision making. The game economy that launched a thousand spreadsheets. The exuberant, wild, witty creativity. The visual, musical and conceptual art that I will remember with joy for years to come. The opportunities for collaborative play and non-zero sum outcomes. The engagement with staff who approached players as people and partners rather than just part of the product.

    But more than anything else, I have appreciated the way in which Glitch has challenged me with the question "Are you kind?"

    I came to do research. I stayed to play, and in the process of playing to learn more about myself and others, to learn more about the nature of kindness, and to see how a community can develop a culture rich in caritas.

    You have not let me down. Not at all.

    * from "Uncle John's Band," lyrics by Robert Hunter, music by Jerry Garcia
    Posted 12 years ago by Splendora Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you, TS, for the best game I have ever played, for a wonderful year of pig-nibbling, chicken-squeezing, spice-picking, giant-loving fun. I cannot even begin to express how much I will miss this place.
    Posted 12 years ago by Reida Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Close the game with a bang guys, wrap the story on this "age" of Glitch and let us hope for a new age where the Giants get together again to imagine all this crazy stuff again.

    I need hope.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mikah Subscriber! | Permalink
  • thank you very much, devs and friends!!! *tearsinmyeye*
    Posted 12 years ago by NoYesNo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hey there everyone.  I've not been around very much these past few months and when I've been in, I don't say much  (haha unusual for me maybe), however, when I have, I've always been greeted with hugs and snoggies.

    It's a very sad time and one I know that Stoot and team will have done everything they possibly could to avoid happening.  It has been their life for the past few years and they too will have a big hole left where Glitch and its wonderful community lived.

    Like most, it has meant very much to me too.  I came here with many other friends and met a whole bunch of great new friends; many of whom are, and always will be, very,very special to me and we still stay in touch even if we don't always get together in game.  Glitch just had that effect on us.

    Not much more to say really except that this truly is a very special place and, even if we don't see ourselves all together in Ur, remember, this is a game of GIANT IMAGINATION so will live on in our hearts and minds forever no matter what!

    Biggest ever hugs and snoggies to everyone.

    Very best wishes to the Tiny Speck Team....Yep, you truly did create an absolutely preposterous game and everyone loves you for it!

    Not everyone will feel like it right now, but let's try and party like this  or this? and let everyone know it was so very well worth it all!

    Posted 12 years ago by ?joby? Subscriber! | Permalink
  •  /sobs

    Good luck and happy hunting to mostly the Staff in this tough time, but also to the players who really loved this game.

    Thank you for this very special, curious, and wonderful world of a game.
    Posted 12 years ago by Infinite Duck Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Splendora, now that song is stuck in my head. Well said.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pii Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I can't believe this is really happening. Glitch, along with the wonderfully insane and totally brilliant staff, and the equally awesome community of players, will be missed by so many people. Glitch was my other home and I always left here with a smile on my face and a good feeling right down to my soul. Maybe if we all meditate on this long and hard, we can change this travesty and create another reality. I've never played any other game that gave me such a wonderful feeling. I will miss you all very much. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Neon Tetra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is the first post I've ever made on here. Partly, that's because I haven't been around that long—I'm terribly shy and even here, where everyone I see is genuine and kind and fun, new communities send me skittering. (Even some of the quests that involve other people are still sitting uncompleted because I've been frightened to approach anyone.) But I've talked to people within the game, and I've played it a fair amount considering how short a time I've been here, and it already means a lot to me. This is the first online game I've ever played where I didn't feel pressured or out of place, and the fun and silliness and cuteness and imagination and beauty have helped me though a rough emotional patch. They've also distracted me from schoolwork a bit, haha—but sometimes I really need that. (It's also the first game of any kind that hasn't forced me to declare a gender, which I appreciate more than I can say.) 

    I'm sad, but 'tis better to have loved, indeed, and I'm grateful for the hours and the help and the love. Thank you, staff and developers and players who were here before me, for all the effort and love you poured into this game. I hope that Tiny Speck as a whole does well from here on out (if nothing else I'm very grateful that playing Glitch introduced me to the company!), and I hope that elements of Glitch find their way into future games. I really think that in time we'll see similar games start cropping up, and while I'll be a little bitter that they aren't Glitch, I'll also be happy.

    I feel a little silly posting this, since there are already so many laments and declarations, but I've gotten a lot out of this game and didn't feel like I could sit silently. Thanks, Glitch and Glitchen and Tiny Speck. I barely know you, but I'll miss you. x3
    Posted 12 years ago by Syuff Subscriber! | Permalink
  • 1 year and 10 days I've been playing this wonderful game, lovely people, amazing staff. All the things we've done together. All the moments we've shared. All the..

    I can continue like that for quite a while. 

    This is a game that I will really, really miss. It's without doubt the best game I've ever played, with the best players I've ever met. 

    Thank you. There's almost a tear coming from an eye... Not far away.
    Posted 12 years ago by Sam Robertsdottir Subscriber! | Permalink
  • i feel like there should be an apocalypse is nigh feat...

    and that glitch should go down partying extravagantly and dumping all hoardings in the street. 
    Posted 12 years ago by inky Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks for the memories, TS. It's been a great year and I'm really gonna miss this game, you guys did a great job creating a one of a kind place, yes place, to go.
    I'm gonna open a Chardonnay and listen to Frank's In the Wee Small Hours all night. One more for my glitchen, one more for the road. Here's to you, TS and all of the wonderful players of Glitch.
    Posted 12 years ago by N2ZOrtolanaBlue Subscriber! | Permalink
  • On the bright side... my productivity in 2013 will be skyrocketing. 
    Posted 12 years ago by MrMatt Subscriber! | Permalink
  • All our times have come
    Here, but now there, gone
    Giants don't fear the rookster
    Nor do the pigs, the salmon or grain (We can be like they are)
    Come on baby (Don't fear the rookster)
    Baby take my wing (Don't fear the rookster)
    We'll be able to fly (Don't fear the rookster)
    Baby I'm your lad
    Caw caw caw caw caw

    Zilloween is done
    Here but now they're gone
    Phantom Glitch and Gwendolyn
    Are together in eternity (Phantom Glitch and Gwendolyn)
    4,000 men and women played every day (Like Phantom Glitch and Gwendolyn)
    4,000 men and women played every day (Redefined happiness)
    Another 4,000 still wanting to play every day (We can play like they are)
    Come on baby (Don't fear the rookster)
    Baby take my wing (Don't fear the rookster)
    We'll be able to fly (Don't fear the rookster)
    Baby I'm your lad
    Caw caw caw caw caw

    Love of eleven is one
    Here but now they're gone
    Came December 9th, with sadness
    When it was clear Ur couldn't go on
    Then the door was opened and the light appeared
    The data blew and then disappeared
     The feathers flew and then he appeared (Saying, "Don't be afraid")
    Come on baby (And she had no fear)
    And she ran to him (Then they started to fly)
    They looked backward and said goodbye (She had become like they are)
    She had taken his wing (She had become like they are)
    Come on baby (Don't fear the rookster)
    Posted 12 years ago by N2ZOrtolanaBlue Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have no words to discribe my sadness, it feels like i lost a relative :'(
    I read about it at work and instantly got a lump in my throat, i got hammered with emotions and i took the rest of the day off. i couldnt focus anymore, i am devestated.

    I want to thank EVERYONE at TS for the most wonderfull game i have ever played! I played many games in the 15 years i play Mmorpg's, i played world of warcraft etc...years ago, but i can honestly say this was and for the time we left , stil is just awesome.

    To give an example:
    -The way how things are handled by the helpteam are unprecedented, unseen in any other game.
    -The way how Devs/staff are so approachable even just for a chat and there involvement into the community.

    I would have never stopped playing, it was what i looked forward to when i came home from work, hell i even played sometimes at work. Even if it was just for a chat, cause i have a bad connection at work ;P

    I thank the community as a whole for being the BEST i have EVER experienced !!!
    I have never seen so much kindness, dedication, helpfullness and love in any game i have ever played.
    i have hopes that the mentality within the community can live on beyond Glitch.
    I love all of you ?

    I still hope a solution could be found to make the game go on, cause this game, the devs, the staff, the helpteam and the community here deserve so much more !!!
    The situation must be so hard for every player and everyone who helped built this game to what it became, i still cant believe how a wonderfull game like Glitch could undergo this faith.

    Most games have such a violant nature to them. The community can be nice but mostly selfish, uncaring and plainly hostile.
    Glitch was different in all that !! I discovered a wonderfull world called Ur and a wonderfull community of likeminded glitches.

    I was a big boy and held back tears but as i am typing, tears roll down my cheek and i wonder why, why, why....why Glitch. Take the mindless games, games related to war, violence, killing, the games of hostile nature, but plz dont take Glitch !!!!

    Im not that good with expressing myself in the way i want to, but i tried.

    I love u all ?
    Kind regards,
    Posted 12 years ago by Mokta Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've played a lot of online games in my days. I've been administration in some, I've been just a player in some, I've been hardcore, I've been casual.

    But I have never LOVED a game like I love Glitch. You inspired something in me that no game in 19 years on the Internet ever did.

    Thank you for that. I'm sad that our time together is coming to a close, but I am so, so glad that I've had the last seven months. 2012 was extra awesomesauce, because it had Glitch.

    Thank you so much for your work and your time and all the nights I'd say "Why on earth is Stoot logged in at 7pm on a Saturday night!" You and the other devs were here because it's very clear you loved Glitch just as much or more than we did.

    I'm sorry we couldn't be enough. I feel like I should have done more, talked about Glitch more, sucked more people in. I know there are more issues than just "not enough paying subscribers", but it's the one thing I felt like I could have helped with.

    Thank you, Tiny Speck. Thank you to each and every programmer, artist, employee, guide, helper. Thank you to every player that I came in contact with, whether we were friends in Civility, or we met up selling items, or you bought from my tower or I bought from yours.

    Thank you for being Glitchy. I love you all, and you'll be in my heart.
    Posted 12 years ago by Aliera Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am going to miss this place so much. I am literally shedding tears for a game, which is nothing I ever thought I'd do -- Glitch is that close to my heart.

    Thank you, TS and all you Glitchen for making this place endearingly whimsical and amazingly fun. I have never seen such a cooperative, supportive, and crazy-ass group of MMOers before, and somehow, I don't think I will again. 

    So much love. <3 
    Posted 12 years ago by Liathea Subscriber! | Permalink
  • really sad...
    please you should create a Plush glitch yeti - i would buy one!
    Thanks for everything...
    Posted 12 years ago by ? Love you Glitch ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I hadn't been on Glitch in a month or so. In fact, I wasn't planning on coming back for a while. I was starting to get to the point where I was just logging on to harvest and replant my yellow crumb. When they nerfed the herb, I sort of ran out of reasons to play and stopped.

    I wasn't finished with Glitch of course, just taking a needed break. Now it breaks my heart to know that starting December 9th, I won't have the option of ever returning to my herb gardens, piggies and massive hoard of resources...

    Glitch got me though a tough winter of unemployment last year and kept me sane. I didn't really have that many in game friends, but I could always count on the majority of players to be helpful when I needed them.

    It will be so hard to say goodbye to such a strane and wonderful place. Thank you so much for such a fantastic experience and fond memories Tiny Speck. I'm sorry it had to end this way.
    Posted 12 years ago by Zoisite Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Please no refund for me. When I first saw the blog post, I really thought it was a joke. With all of the new items that rolled out within the past month or so, I was so hopeful that the world will finally get to see how amazing Glitch is. I've never paid for any online games before. I don't buy into that. I've never created a twitter account just for a game either. But I did for Glitch. This seems so sudden. When I read your blog post, I felt like something just got taken away from me. The pain felt deeper than what I anticipated. I had to process it overnight. What will I do now? I remember the countless nights of staying up to mine rocks or massage butterflies. You've kept me entertained especially during my loneliest hours. When I'm alone in a new town working from my hotel after hours, Glitch is what gets me through those hours so I could finally relax. I remember when I was in MS, my hotel had very slow internet connection. I was so frustrated that I couldn't play Glitch. It was also during the feats. Now, what will I do? I will miss everything about Glitch especially the community and staff. I hope you will all find suitable projects that will showcase your talents and dedication. I wish there were something that all of us could do to keep Glitch, but I know that you wouldn't make this announcement if it wasn't certain. I thank you all for the amazing journey that you took me on. I will never forget Glitch!
    Posted 12 years ago by ? lala512 ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm the same way: utterly gutted, wholly devastated, and still feeling a bit queasy and sick at the thought of December 9th arriving all too soon. Here's why Glitch is more then just a game for me:

    Glitch has helped me bond with wheatgerm, my sweetest younger sister. After 6 months of no contact due to the craziness of life (and many oceans parting us throughout our lives), Giltch gave us this amazingly fun platform where we could play together and learn from each other, all the while spending super quality time together. Collaborative play enhanced our sisterhood instead of competing for resources......I will never forget this.

      Glitch has saved my life: literally and metaphorically. See this thread. Overwhelmed with depression, Relationship woes, work and career woes, Glitch showed me that true friends, truly the truest friends can show up where you least expect them to: online in a communally driven and minded MMO, Glitch. When my Real life (so called) friends abandoned me, so many Glitch pals who themselves were going through their versions of hell, we all banded together and showed each other love, care, concern and through emotional support of each other, I have hung in there and so have they.

    ~   Glitch showed me that women who play MMOs are amazing. Don't laugh, but hitherto, my interactions with most women were largely negative (despite being a woman lol). Here in Glitch, I've met women of wonderful spirits: loving, caring, kind and wonderful, strong and intelligent and all the most positive embodiments of humanity (men too but I had better experiences with men).

     ~   Ah Civility Group: Civility (III) and the best iteration of the Civility model I created in WoW then SWTOR. And why? Because Glitch has the most incredible community I have ever known or seen. A community within the larger Ur Community that is Civility thrives because folks in Glitch are intrinsically nice and will give you the shirt of their back if you are cold and shivering. And Civility Glitchen, it is my honor to know you all and lead you as we just try to pay it forward, be nice and mutually respectful to all and never discriminate either. I may helm the ship, but without you all, there would have been no Civility group. *hugs*

    ~    Dearest staff: Every last one of you, you CARE, you CARE about us all. We are not merely numbers to you. You all put your heart, soul, blood and tears into Glitch and it shows. Thank you so very much. I will never find a staff community as truly incredible and amazing as you all ever again. And you all played with us too- no airs of elitism, just wanting to journey with us all as we shaped this amazing experience. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

    ~    Ur is what the world should be- The best parts of it: The Community spirit, the camaraderie, the care we have for each other: where we worry not just about ourselves but where we all impacted the game world and each other, both in game and life context. Indeed, it's not perfect but it's as close to a utopian community as I will see in my lifetime.

    And Thank you once again for all you've done Tiny Speck and for all this incredible community of players. I will miss you all but intend to make the very most of this last month before Ur gets rooked for good and Imagination is silent once again.


    Posted 12 years ago by Bachjess??? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I guess the Mayans were right. The world DOES end this December.
    Posted 12 years ago by Gunner T. Bean Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am so so sorry.

    I love this game and am heartbroken. Thank you so much for 20 months of joy.

    Good luck to you all in whatever new ventures you take up. I hope to meet some of you elsewhere on the web. *sniff*
    Posted 12 years ago by Momo McGlitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm absolutely shocked. I've been around since alpha, and I've never seen a more committed, dedicated, and good-natured group of people on the TS staff. As a developer myself, I understand the challenges you face, but it's a sad ending indeed. Where the rest of the world picked up Farmville and others, this should have been at the top. Your contribution to the world will not be forgotten.

    Thanks for a great couple of years.
    Posted 12 years ago by Xupa Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I guess the only word is HEARTBROKEN...this is my first MMO and I have truly found friends in this game.  I have had two hip replacements this year and my Civility friends have made my life more enjoyable during this very difficult time.

    Thank you TS - your gift of generosity and creativity brought me so much joy.

    Peace & Blessings
    Posted 12 years ago by SageSaundra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The Giants are waking up.

    Thank you for making this amazing, beautiful and absolutely hilarious world.
    I will miss this world and I hope that someone will get inspired by your hard work and will try to make something similar.
    Thank you for gathering the best community of players ever gathered.
    I don't have enough words to express how much I'm grateful to you, members of Tiny Speck, and all the players of Glitch for creating this peaceful and light feeling of Glitch.

    With gratitude, SmiVan.
    Posted 12 years ago by SmiVan Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Not sure if TS is reading Ideas any more :( so crossposting here. In honor of our short time left, I posted this idea to allow Glitchen to burn as brightly as possible in the final days:

    Turbo mode between now & the Great Unimagining
    Posted 12 years ago by Sturminator i` Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks for the memories. 
    Thanks for the art. 
    Thanks for the vision of a better world where being nice is how you get ahead. 
    Thanks for the piggies, and the butterflies, and the chickens. 
    Thanks for the hours of relaxation, thrills, and camaraderie. 
    Thanks for the music that got caught in my head all the time. 
    Thanks for the constant stream of something new to see and do.
    Thanks for the love.
    Thanks for Glitch.

    I'll miss you all.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ustice Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Me: This is absolutely preposterous!
    Myself: I agree wholeheartedly...
    I: And I don't like it, not one bit, dammit :(

    Thanks TS and players, I love this game. Glitch gave me a safe place to spend my time being an anti-social git and for that I will love it forever <3

    Good luck to all staff and everyone involved in creating Glitch, you will all do fine as there is so much obvious talent here - keep us posted please and I look forward to hopefully being a beta tester for you again xxxx
    Posted 12 years ago by bergamot Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Crying, Crying, Crying - so brokenhearted  Glitch & especially the Glitchen Community is in it's own AWESOME category. 
    I am so sorry this has happened.  I know we all wanted this to succeed. 
    This is not the Christmas present any of us wanted. 
    HUGS my glitchen friends. 

    I'm going back to my corner and cry some more :-(
    Posted 12 years ago by Mystbecky Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have to say something: glitch is NOT the best game I ever played --- it is the best HOME I've ever had. I say this as a person who has a wonderful and very functional family, a terrific real-world community with a lot of RL friends, loving spouse, kids, aging but active parents. Glitch felt just like that wonderful family and community at its best, most of the time. I've spent part of my RL being an artist, but I was more creative in glitch than in my RL studio. I felt as much or more *purpose* in my glitch persona than in my day-to-day persona. And glitch was more beautiful, surprising, mysterious, and fun to explore than my RL environment. This place, this world, was an incredible collaboration between the unbelievably talented devs and the unbelievably amazing glitchen who seemed also to find themselves at home in this place.

    Having glitch close is like having my community hit by a disaster -- an earthquake, a huge flood. I am losing the home I love so much, and may never again see some of the folks who were my neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances, and friends, the quirky populace of my ethereal hometown. I will miss them more than I can say. I will miss this experience more than I dare admit.  I am in mourning for a lost home. I hardly hope to ever find another like it.

    But I thank you, all of you, from deep within me, for giving me such a home-place at least once in my life. It has been a privilege and a gift. Best wishes to you all.
    Posted 12 years ago by gilbert whisper Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The only thing I want to say is that it's sick.
    We have a great community, here, a great game. And it's closing because of the money. Things are always about the money. This is what is making the world a so awful place to be.
    Posted 12 years ago by Loviathar Subscriber! | Permalink
  • So many have expressed what i wanted to say -- and so much better. Just on this page Syuff and Bachjess to name two.

    As bad as I/we feel this decision must have torn the hearts out of Tiny Speck. Heal, regroup and go on to create something even more awesome. And if it happens to be a game you know where to find us.
    Posted 12 years ago by Marla Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Never doubt, Tiny Speck, that you created something superbly beautiful... in the game itself and also the community it fostered. I am truly honored to have been a part of it.

    Best wishes to all the lovely staff and also my fellow players in all their future endeavors!
    Posted 12 years ago by Saturnese Subscriber! | Permalink
  • When I first saw this, I thought it was some sort of prank or April Fools type trick. Now that I've passed the denial stage, I find this really heartbreaking.
    But sadness aside, thanks to the TS team for your creativity, time, dedication and being so wonderfully weird. Thanks for giving us a home <3
    Posted 12 years ago by Deadlip Subscriber! | Permalink
  • And to think, the great shutdown is on the morning of my birthday where I live. But that's being selfish. Thank you so much for the great game, the great community, and the awesome devs. BYE!
    Posted 12 years ago by Emblemofrook Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is completely devastating news. Ever since I heard about Glitch back in beta I was intrigued and when I actually began playing it I fell in love. It is hands down the most beautiful game I've played. You could tell that there was so much love and care put into this game and this is a huge blow to both the creators and players.

    I can honestly say that the kind of community that this place has fostered is more kind and knitted together than any other game I have played. If you ever needed help there was literally at least 10 people (on a slow night) ready and willing to assist you with anything you needed without asking anything in return. I have yet to find anything remotely close to that.

    I can't express enough how amazing this game is and what a terrific job everyone who worked on this did. I cannot sing enough praises about this game and I am so stunned and saddened to see it go.
    Posted 12 years ago by Nerdcore Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Goodbye Glitch ->  Shutdown is just a few days after my birthday.  Happy Birthday Goodbye. 

    And  I am sincerely, with all love and affection, grateful to all those with TS team.  If I could Hug you all in RL it would be wonderful and Hug all my Friends here too in RL.  So please consider yourselves HUGGED with lots of Love. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Mystbecky Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I feel sick and so sad about this.. I thought it was a Novembers Fool Joke :(
    I don't think I have ever loved a game so much.. and it wasn't just a game.. it was the people and the pigs and the chickens and the giants and all the cool things ya'll make.  .. and I don't let go so easy ;p
    I just renewed my moly subscription - please don't give me a refund.. it is the least I can do for everything you all did for us.
    I hope you all know how talented you are and I know you will just go on to create more/bigger/better and I hope I know about them so I can go too :D  Glitch became more fun with each day!  Love you so much!!
    Nothing could shake me out of a bad day better and faster then jumping high in UR :)))
    Glitch was absolutely preposterous.  And yet, I kinda liked it .. a lot

    Love love love,
    Darling Violetta/Bebe Begonia
    Posted 12 years ago by Darling Violetta Subscriber! | Permalink
  • oh. i didnt play glitch as much as i wanted to, and now im regretting it. i only recently subbed, and now im regretting it. i wish i had given more time to appreciate it, but now it's gone and none of the other online things that i played instead are gone. glitch was what i played when i needed to relax, and now it's gone. ;__; is there anywhere i can at least download the beautiful area music and the like? even if i cant save the entire game i at least want that
    Posted 12 years ago by Priestess Mint Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you to all the people in Tiny Speck that worked so hard on this game to make it the beauty it is today. I specially enjoyed the music (big THANK YOU to the musicians!!). I had so many plans for my future in Glitch and now it feel weird and sad to know that it won't be possible to continue after December 9th. But I will be here until the end. I will celebrate you and mourn your passing. You are lovely, all of you, the staff, the players... :( I will miss you!!! To the staff : after many months being unable to find a job, I wish you will have a much better luck than me and find another dream job very soon. I really wish you the best. Keep creative! P.S. I still think that maybe making the game open source could eventually be a not-so-bad idea, but well *sigh*
    Posted 12 years ago by Amélie Subscriber! | Permalink
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