
Staff Topic

The official shutdown thread …

Glitch is closing. The details are here:

We will do our best to answer everyone's questions (but please take a moment to read the announcement and FAQ before jumping in). Information on refunds is here:

Over the next few weeks we'll going to be releasing all kinds of things that were saved for later, nearly-done, previously-shelved or are in various states of design. We will do our best to help everyone get the most of the time which remains — you've all been given (or will shortly be given) 2,500 credits and a free subscription.

New signups and payments are now closed.

I feel sick.

[Edited to add, a few hours later]: I feel much better. Thank you everyone, for all the love! Amazing, beautiful and touching.

Posted 12 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • I live in US and my daughter lives in Czech Republic.... We would meet in Glitch, have fun, and connect from such a long distance. Not only was the game fantastic, but it helped me to be in touch with my girl.... :(
    Posted 12 years ago by Empress Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh Tiny Speck.  I am so, so sorry.  This is heartbreaking news.  My son has recently started playing with me and he is as hooked as I was back in the day.  It's been lovely introducing him to all the small details that go to making the most wonderful, funny, clever game and I will be very sad to tell him the news.  Good luck to all those looking for new job homes  and thank you so much for a wonderful experience.

    Take Care xx   
    Posted 12 years ago by icatchm0nkeys Subscriber! | Permalink
  • PS  Dear TS  TY and enjoy a drink on my refund  :-)
    Posted 12 years ago by Gumby_Roffo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Just wanted to add my voice to all those above. I just found out that Glitch is closing and am totally gutted. I haven't told my 6-year old yet, and I'm not looking forward to it; Glitch was one of his favourite places, amusing him and stimulating his imagination. I dare say it even helped his reading skills improve!

    Thank you guys, you've taught me so much. You've taught me that communities can thrive on shared ideas, that imagination can really have no bounds, that you can do anything you set your mind to; and today, that even the best ideas in the world have to be sustainable to live on.

    We will miss you, all of us will. I can only imagine how the team is feeling and I'm sure this has been one of the hardest decisions stoot has ever had to make.

    Best of luck to all, we will remember you forever!
    Posted 12 years ago by Ugh!! Subscriber! | Permalink
  • But, but, you were just about to win the game. :(

    I haven't played much in recent months but with this news I'm going to play the hell out of it for the next few weeks  Thank you all so much for bringing such a clever, charming and friendly game into my life.  It was such a pleasure.

    I wish you all the best.  I am sending you all much good energy and my thanks for sharing Ur with me.
    Posted 12 years ago by Cecelia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Goddammit.


    God, Freaking, Dammit.

    I'm sick and tired of every offbeat or quirky MMO, or book, or what have you be either subject to obscurity or a slow death. Glitch is an amazingly quirky game, and I hate myself a little for not staying with it for longer, because I didn't know what I had until it was gone. The optimist in my is fighting to keep the hope that, perhaps with this news more players will be drawn to the sinking ship, and perhaps repairs can be made, but I know that it is too little, too late. We've past the point of no return, we've exhausted our stock of lives, we're in sudden death, and we've got no power points left in our moves. All we can do is shed tears and hold our friends and fellow players close as we watch the world crumble around us.

    Tiny Speck said that they are terribly sorry, and I say NO. They have NO REASON to be sorry. It is us as players who are at fault. We did not spread the wonder that is Glitch far enough, and we let ourselves become confident in the belief that nothing could go wrong.

    I'm sorry, Tiny Speck. I'm so, so sorry. I wish I could turn back the clock and fix this.

    It's been real,
    - Zero_Starlight
    Posted 12 years ago by Zero Starlight Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This was such a polished and amazing game, I had so much fun and this is really heartbreaking :(
    Posted 12 years ago by TheAwesomeOne Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm really angry about this, you know why?
    I heard that this was an amazing game, so I signed up for it, but since I live in an underdeveloped country, I did not have a good connection to the internet.
    So I didn't play at all.
    And now Glitch is going away.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ledigo Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Wow.  Would never have thought i would feel genuine affection for a computer game.  Yet here I am typing a farewell note to a game with a massive lump in my throat and real tears in my eyes.
    Sometimes it's only when something comes to an end that you realize how much you loved it.
    I've spent hours in this world, have adored the artwork, the game mechanics and the little details that have made us all smile.
    We will all move on, finding other things to fill our time - but Glitch will always have a place in my heart x
    Thank you so much Tiny Speck and  fellow Glitchen - i will miss you x
    Posted 12 years ago by Hellagood Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ugh.  I feel guilty for not logging in or buying things lately. I just haven't had time or money, and now I'll never repay everything this game has given me: hope that people are nice and kind and can solve problems, that people are creative and beautiful, caring and helpful, that it shouldn't matter what your gender or your interests are, we're all the same, just trying to have fun. Also, this was a really fun ride, everything was clever and quirky, which made me laugh.

    I apologize for not being enough. Thanks for everything. I love you guys. Best of luck to you all!
    Posted 12 years ago by Mandy.23 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Many people have said it already but... when I saw the email saying Glitch is closing, my heart immediately sunk. Even though I didn't play Glitch regularly, I always came back to it. This game has had a special place in my heart and in my life; it was a constant inspiration. It inspired me to be creative, to keep an open mind and to never limit myself or my imagination. Even though Glitch may close, it will never disappear. I will never forget what this simple yet beautiful browser game has taught me. It was truly a work of art in so many ways.
    Thank you, Tiny Speck. Thank you, not just for Glitch, but for...well, everything. Thank you. And please...PLEASE don't give up your on your dreams because of this. The gaming industry desperately needs creative geniuses such as yourselves.  
    Posted 12 years ago by Kimbers Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Dear Stoot and TinySpeck team,
    Thank you for the great unique experiences you all have given me (and us) through glitch. I am not an active user and only have purchased a bit, but glitch is one game that I constantly visiting to see its beauty and grows. For me, glitch is one giant odd art and it is sad to see it gone. I would agree with everything Kimbers has said, don't give up and hope to see another creation of people from TS team later!

    Though it still sad... I remember an article about how glitch was started from a tiny game some of you guys make before deciding to make flikr to fund and evolve that dream game >.< ... Now my brain is confused.. what's wrong? Isn't glitch casual enough? why I don't keep playing it while I keep coming back? Does it have to be commercially vicious and sacrifice the ideals to be able to survive? How much an idealism shall be compromised? How much a pure game design shall be compromised? Neverthless..

    Thank you very much Glitch, TinySpeck, Stoot, and the community! It have been a great time.
    Posted 12 years ago by rosedragon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • ... WHAT? O:
    Are you serious.
    Besides going on youtube and other social networking sites I'd play glitch on my free time.
    I felt like this is one of the most fun games ever with the biggest imaginations, beautiful designs, and .. idk its just SO creative game that you got me addicted- especially to those amazing cubimals. I was so sad when I got this email, I got it when I just woke up and I HAD to go on glitch. And now,  I am so sad.
    I hope to stay in touch with everyone though! Maybe make a glitch email or someth'
    But thanks TinySpeck and everyone who ever played glitch. You made a part of my life online really fun! My brother has bought me subscriptions many times so we have contributed your money atleast :)

    Posted 12 years ago by Ameh.Loves.Fudge Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It's so sad to see this go... My friend showed me here, and I haven't been able to get off it. I've been on like 5 days, and this is still really upsetting to see it go.

    So sad </3

    Good luck everyone here ;)
    Posted 12 years ago by Lil Kara Subscriber! | Permalink
  • thanks tinyspeck for the worst christmas ever!
    Posted 12 years ago by Rudi Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you for allowing me to watch the game change and grow. It really went from simple to astoundingly ambitious and intricate! The team did an amazing job, furthermore, the team worked hard to listen to the community when we asked for new things, and you gave them to us. For being truly interactive with us, thank you! It has been a unique experience in gaming. I wish all the team, and the community the best in life. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Lunarsolar Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am so saddened by this news, I just recently started playing and was having so much fun, it became the came I played when I was not too busy at work and I really looked forward to completing my skills so that I can finish my quests. Is there anything we can do at all as a community to keep you guys going? I am certain we could get people interested, it is such a fun game. :( please do not go. But  thank you for giving us this gift, it has been fun, even if just for a little bit for me.
    Posted 12 years ago by Bellus Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Wow!! What more can be said - such emotion, such passion and oh such sadness and pain.
    As mentioned the only time I have felt this sad is at the loss of one of our dogs and when Faunasphere ended (oops sorry dad, brother and all those who have passed)...............
    THANK YOU Tiny Speck for ALL you provided this awesome audience. We are a great bunch and you served us extremely well. Maybe someday we will all meet again until then; Merci, Thank you and Aurevoir a bientôt: Pekes, Pekeaholic and Dogperson
    Posted 12 years ago by PEKES Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I miss you already, Glitch.
    Posted 12 years ago by Contrivance Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Not that it would matter since you guys have already made it clear & official Glitch will be gone December 9th, but is there anyway we can raise money to prevent the closure of glitch? This really saddens me-to the core. I can't really walk away from all of it not because I have spent actual money, but because this is the most wonderful, beautiful, fun filled game I have ever played! Yeah, it's different & it's based in the web browser/internet - you guys truly out did yourselves & to let it all go just makes me feel sad-sick like. You know, like that feeling when you do/did something wrong & you are aware/preparing yourself for the consequences? Well, not exactly that, but I'm sure you know what I mean. Can I stress enough on how I feel right now? Can I cry now? Please don't go, pretty please! :'[

    Please tell me or all of us if there is anything, ANYTHING we can do to at least push the date further or stop this from at all happening.
    Posted 12 years ago by Midori Melon Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It's sad that such a great and creative game is closing down...

    I have been playing since First Beta during late Summer 2011, and found the game through a small article that that Kotaku posted about it (it was more about the creator of Katamari joining up but still the intrigue was there!), so I signed up and waited, forgot, and then finally got the ability to play Beta! It's amazing how much this game has grown since I've been playing it, I can't imagine how the people from Alpha are feeling as they reminisce of the changes that this game has gone through to make it the amazingness that it is now. 

    I was never much of a talking in this game, and it goes the same for me in real life, but even then I found so much peace when playing the game in this sort of silence. The people I did have contact with, when there was a time of quick help or chat, are the nicest around and I'm so glad that when I did have to get out of my shyness to ask for help I was never turned away.

    And Tiny Speck, the art of this game is so fantastic! It has really inspired me to try Illustrator out more while I'm at school and implementing what I've made to my various projects. I even made a a Glitch Doll as a result! 

    I wish all of you, the players and the creators, the best during this hectic time, and I will always be joyous that I was able to be a part of this game and this community. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Sweetum Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This is sincerely the best MMO I've played and it's incredibly sad to see it go. I can probably speak for all of us when I say it was a wonderful place to go after a hard day or just a way to relax and have a good time. I will never really know why it is that good things always end. I will miss Glitch forever and all of the Glitchen who played it.
    Thank you Tiny Speck, you made something incredible. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Cosmic Carrie Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I LOVE YOU ALL!!! <33333333333333333 : D
    Posted 12 years ago by Apsd1109 Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hi there Glitchens, hi there Tiny Speck Crew,
    I am at peace since I had the chance to be part of what you did. Of what you tried to achieve.
    To cut it short I will reflect on one thing only: Nottis. If you would ask me where I would want to be trapped between existence and eternity, it would be Nottis. Your sound designer / composer is god.
    I was so overwhelmed by the universal variety of chances you developed.
    It comes down to this: You were to good to be true.
    Eternal love,
    Posted 12 years ago by Gregory Boston Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This makes me sad. :( I didn't play as much as I would've liked to, neither did I connect with the community that much. But this game was one of the most beautiful, inspiring games I have played in a long time. I would be so sad when my quest log was empty, yet overjoyed when I stumbled upon a quest that took me to beautiful places. I loved seeing all the different areas and the creativity the artists put into it. I loved being surprised by the underlying storylines, hidden in quests. I loved finally being able to make chicken eggs and hatch me some chickens, then squeezing them until they didn't want no more. I loved how calming the soundtrack was. 

    I really hope we can find a way to keep this great game alive and I wish everyone involved the best. <3 
    Posted 12 years ago by kroweh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love this game and the community, I am deeply saddened to see it end. 
    There will never be anything like Glitch.
    Best of luck to the Tiny Speck staff, I hope in the future you are able to make more wonderful projects.
    Sending all my love to this wonderful community
    Posted 12 years ago by Deus Marionette Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Best game I ever played!  You guys are amazing and created something wonderful.  Best wishes and hope to enjoy the fruits of your future imaginings!
    Posted 12 years ago by princess curls Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have changed my Glitch's shoes to the closest thing I can find to ruby slippers in hopes that one day my little Glitch can click her heels together three times and whisper, "There's no place like home."  I know it is denial and the stages of grief and a big existential crisis but I can't give up hope.
    Posted 12 years ago by Andrasia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I thought the Skills learning was speeded up, and someone said the brain capacity was disabled so that we don't need to upgrade the brain capacity.
    I only just started playing a few weeks ago, and I love the game. But I still have many skills to learn, but it's taking ages as I have a 129% time penalty, and for instance I can see that when I started the last skill Mining IV just went up to 1day 3hours.
    Please can you disable the brain capacity so that I have a chance of learning the skills a bit quicker, pretty please :) I don't have much time and I would like to build a tower and everything before the game ends, thanks.
    Posted 12 years ago by AlIitch Subscriber! | Permalink
  •  Oh wow I am going too miss this game!! its the only game that had no violence, didn't take place in space, shooting, all and that stuff allot of other games have. it was just a wonderful little, big game! I only played for a few months, but it was well worth it!   If Tiny Speck ever puts out any games in the future I will be there!   I've searched the internet all week long and nothing comes close to Glitch they just don't hold a candle to Glitch!   Thank you too all I the people I met , best of luck too the staffers who lost there jobs :(      Hugsssssssss! 
    Posted 12 years ago by MancyPants Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks you so much for providing us with such an amazing game! This game made feel so good inside, with warm fuzzies and what not. I am sad because it won't be around anymore, and because my computer can't handle the game very well anymore, but I will always have memories. Thank you again for everything you all have done here :).
    Posted 12 years ago by Ambillina Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm sorry I couldn't have played more. I very much enjoyed this game and I wish that it could continue. It was amazing while it lasted, and I will remember it. 
    You guys did an amazing job, and I appreciate all the work you put into it. 

     I hope life treats you well in your future endeavors. Good luck. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Midnight Snack Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I feel like crying... ;-; You guys have no idea how refreshing this game was. I'll miss it all.
    Posted 12 years ago by Chive Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I haven't been playing for very long ( and I wish I had found it sooner!! ), but I'm really crushed by this news. It's okay, though. We all just need to keep out heads high and celebrate the time that we were able to experience the magic of Glitch. That sounds really lame, but It's true. x) What was really cool about Glitch is that you can see the care TS took in making. You can tell everyone involved loved the game deeply. Really, I love this game too so much and I'm going to play it all the way until December 9th. Thanks for a wonderful time and just everything. Love Glitch fo-ever. <3<3
    Posted 12 years ago by Opscotch Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Those of you who dreamed this amalgamation of preposterous absurdities ( which we all loved ) are amasingly gifted.
    I wish nothing but the best to all of you and thank you for trying.
    Posted 12 years ago by Mankx Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This was a truly astonishing beta, and I'm so glad to have had a chance to play in the world of imagination you created.  It's heartbreaking that something this well designed, animated, written and produced couldn't make it.  For all of our sakes, I hope you find a find a way to move the team together into a new project. I have amazing faith that you will all be groundbreaking in whatever direction you choose.
    Posted 12 years ago by DevaDuckling Subscriber! | Permalink
  • 3 days later, I'm still sad but am at the point of acceptance. The past year+ of playing have been amazing and I'm glad I got to be a part of it. Thank you Tiny Speck!
    Posted 12 years ago by matrix Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Glitch Community, Please Stand with Me...

    I haven't been blessed to have known the game for very long, but I have seen (and felt) such an amazingly warm and connected atmosphere surrounding all of the beauty that is all of what you have given us. I am reading these replies from so many people who I never met even in-game, but have grown such a fond fascination to do so. I cannot recall who said it first on this thread (and I dare not go back right now to check so as to obstruct my soul-dump) but, why not give our community more time to help YOU?

    You've all seen what was created based on the core values you set as foundation for this incredible and unique game - why not let your community help to maintain it? To defend it? You have your army...we are ALL telling you that we're ready to fight for OUR survival. For you and for us, because we all truly feel we are in this together. I can't think of a better, more proactive and resolution-driven approach to an extremely unfortunate situation that seems impossible to overcome. 

    Many have said they will decline refunds and I believe them. Many have offered to donate additional funds to whatever type of fuel it is you need to keep this engine from stopping, and have openly requested you charge them more - double it, triple it. We will all pay, gladly, and you shouldn't feel bad about that. We will not feel cheated, we will feel honored. You (and all of us) have made it not about the money, but because we believe in the success of your vision. Dwell on the power of this for a few moments. Please. We are coming together as one community and encouragingly sliding to you a blank piece of paper. Just write a number down and allow us to make this happen.

    You are on the fringe of accomplishing something that not too many online communities can do. This is your moment to win, with all of our support behind you, and for all of us to dream another day.

    Thank you for your time. And joy.
    Posted 12 years ago by Oshn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • After the hurricane, during the long week without electricity, I must admit that my thoughts were revolving around playing Glitch as soon as we got power, despite the fact that I need my computer and the Internet for far more pressing things.
    Posted 12 years ago by IZA_C Subscriber! | Permalink
  • PS TO TS

    I will forever love and appreciate whoever put in the Quantum Leap joke for the hyperspacetime doors.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kanamine Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am absolutely lost for words, I found out when I was with my friend and I was in complete disbelief. Closing the doors? I assured her it was just for new sign ups or something again, there's no way that Glitch could be gone forever...
    This is not just an online game, it's the most unique community I have ever stumbled upon on the Internet (and there are some crazy things on the web). From joining the 'kinky glitches' group to finding people for that tricky peat bog quest, so many memories have been created from this game and I am so grateful that I got to experience them.
    I haven't been the most avid of players lately, when I finally got a Senor Fun Pickle I admittedly dropped off the game a little bit, but I found solace in the knowledge that it'd always be here waiting for me. 
    I don't know what I'm trying to say here, but thank you so much Tiny Speck for helping me procrastinate study, bring me closer to friends irl (Navocado, Suzie_Q and Frandroid) and for introducing me to sooooo many brilliant people. Thank you for the endless laughs and entertainment, and most of all, thank you for letting me fulfill my lifelong dream of squeezing a chicken and massaging a butterfly.

    I really hope to see more from Tiny Speck in the future, I'll be following you guys!
    Posted 12 years ago by Cayteelin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I just started playing Glitch not too long ago. Wishing I got here sooner to experience it more. It has a lot of potental for sure. Could of been a great facebook game of sorts. Or have some buisness relations with Facebook. or something. You have an idea that blossomed into a great thing. But alas money makes the world go round and when you dont have enough of it. . . I hope sometime on down the line something new will come form you all and blossom into something golden, to keep players and income in a happy balance.
    Posted 12 years ago by CheeCat Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Seeds of Wisdom: Love is never wasted.
    Posted 12 years ago by gimmegames Subscriber! | Permalink
  • How about taking the music and artwork and ideas, and creating a Robinson Crusoe sort of game. I take it that would be much simpler to do than an MMO, and would put to use and enjoyment at least some of what you've accomplished here...
    Posted 12 years ago by gimmegames Subscriber! | Permalink
  • SO I read the first couple pages.. And then skipped to the last.. It might have been said, but if it has, I will ask again. What can we do to keep Glitch running?? If every single person that has posted on this thread got a subscription, would it help pay for the server. I have noticed with this game, there isn't a whole lot of extras that a subscription gets you. What about changing what is free and what is not??? There are 19 pages of people saying please don't go, so sad to see it, thanks for all... Well, proactively, is there ANYTHING we glitches can do? Any answer, no matter how outlandish, or rude, or anything else, please tell us. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Kerrianne Subscriber! | Permalink
  • this is bullshit that there is nothing here to recoup or anyway to avoid a complete shutdown and retirement of this game. i invested time and money here but not to the extent i might have had it not been in beta forever. where was the communication on that level? what game do beta players not receive benefits for feedback and participation? we showed them where every glitch was so they could perfect their product. how much could it have hurt to have a coca cola (sponsor) can in the game? why was there never any advertising? i personally talked to 5 people a week about glitch, it would have helped them not look at me like i was just another geeky gamer. this is bullshit that this whole thing is now being jerked out from under us without caring where we go. i cared about glitch, where's mine now?
    Posted 12 years ago by glitch4ever Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've been through beta, and then I also subscribed for a while until I was in quite a bad financial state that I had to stopped subscribing. Although I seldom play this game  nowadays, I always wish that the game would stay still since it is a new kind of MMO game. I've been playing textbased game like Torncity, Earth 2025, and also MMORPGs like WoW, SWTOR, STO, and also FB games such as Restaurant City, Simcity Social, and none of the games match what Glitch serves to the players.

    To me, Glitch is like Second Life, but not really Second Life. And Glitch is like Minecraft, but not really Minecraft. It is like a mixture of both to me. You got this socialization and interaction with other people, but then again you also have this ability of wondering around a fantasy world in which you yourself create the world. And that is the sole reason I still believe, even until now, that Glitch should have a place somewhere. I guess if given the right marketing strategy (probably look into playing Glitch via tablets and phones), and time, Glitch could actually not only survive, but strive.
    Posted 12 years ago by carbonytte Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I drew this picture last night and finished colouring it this morning.
    I'll miss Glitch so much, but I can still remember it once I can't play it anymore.
    Posted 12 years ago by Rednic Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I admit my interest in the game waxed and waned depending on how much new "stuff" there was to do, learn, get, explore, experience. And there were times when the game's instability and lagginess made me see red. But... hearing that it's going to be gone forever after the 9th is like hearing that a friend has died. Maybe not a close friend, certainly not a friend I've spent a lot of time with, but a friend I just took for granted would always be there. Or hearing that a place I always looked forward to visiting again, but never managed to schedule that visit in, has been wiped from the map.

    Knowing that after the shutdown date I'll never wander through Ur, talk to a rock, squeeze a chicken, or go fishing for Salmen again... that's really sad. I'll miss it Glitch a lot.
    Posted 12 years ago by Vortexae Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Maybe Glitch can reopen someday. Please don't forget it.
    Posted 12 years ago by Airil Subscriber! | Permalink
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