
Staff Topic

The official shutdown thread …

Glitch is closing. The details are here:

We will do our best to answer everyone's questions (but please take a moment to read the announcement and FAQ before jumping in). Information on refunds is here:

Over the next few weeks we'll going to be releasing all kinds of things that were saved for later, nearly-done, previously-shelved or are in various states of design. We will do our best to help everyone get the most of the time which remains — you've all been given (or will shortly be given) 2,500 credits and a free subscription.

New signups and payments are now closed.

I feel sick.

[Edited to add, a few hours later]: I feel much better. Thank you everyone, for all the love! Amazing, beautiful and touching.

Posted 12 years ago by stoot barfield Subscriber! | Permalink


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  • Love you Glitch,See you soon, in my dreams. <3
    Posted 12 years ago by Fleuryan Subscriber! | Permalink
    Posted 12 years ago by Andrasia Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I couldn't believe Glitch was closing. I knew it was small, but it was so wonderful. It gave alot of people a chance to be weird, relax, and talk to people around the world, and different ages. The people were so nice. Everyone talked to everyone, and everyone was nice to everyone. I maybe met only about one mean person which wasn't really mean. Glitch gave an opportunity to alot of people who maybe always were busy, and didn't have many friends, or were quiet and shy. I'm not any of those. I was adventurous and always enjoyed looking for new games. Every game i found wasn't this special. I'm a honest person and would say that this game sucked if it did, but it doesn't. Iv'e played WoW, GW2, all kinds of things. IMVU, even stupid stuff. I give everything a chance.
    When i first looked at the homepage, i was dubious. It looked stupid. Really stupid. When i logged in, i was overwhelmed. I always enjoyed sandbox games, but Glitch is something unique. I could do anything. So i just meandered along waiting for something to do. Even though i was lost and confused, i found the world intriguing. Eventually i ran into my BGF (Best Glitch Friend,) Larch, and she told me about stuff and helped me. She always helped me, even when i thought i had it. She was probably an example of the people you met at ur beginning you helped you up. Like life, and having someone explain the specifics on bills. (Back then, boy, was i confused on bills,) Everyday, after school, i'd hook up my laptop and play glitch. I did it in all my free time. Instead of going out with friends, i played with my random friends on glitch. I played with people from U.K, Germany, Poland, all over the world. That was a special experience, being a diverse group. Even age-wise it was diverse. Mostly grown-ups are the population, and im a late teen. That didn't make a difference. I mean sure, i didn't have to say, 'Brb, gotta tuck my kids to bed,' but it wasn't awkward. It was for everyone. The age limit set it so adults didn't have to talk down to kids, in a different manner, in a friendly manner. That was nice too. 
    It was also amazing, so amazing, of that joy created from glitch. I shined. It made everyone shine. It was our own personal world of weirdness. Glitch was so built, so detailed, so fun. 
    When i heard glitch was closing, i thought it was a trick. I was there right at the announcement. RIGHT THEN AND THERE. I was crying. I played on games where they closed, it sucked but it was like, new game then! Glitch was what made me shine. It gave me new friends and a place to be welcomed at. I feel so ashamed, guilty, horrible, that i didn't play sooner. It breaks my heart, like someone is going to die. But thats true. Something that meant something so great to me is about to dye. Forever and forever and forever. The only thing i got to take out for memories is Larch's email. She has my phone number. I cry everyday like a kid. My life is going from wonderful to horrible. Glitch became a permanent part of my heart, and i fed off of glitchiness everyday. After that one day, there's going to be a big hole. I try pep talking myself, and everything. It doesn't work. I know something eventually will fill it, but it still will have that empty crack where Glitch used to be. Any my best friend. And my hard work. My dreams. Everything. And it sucks cuz everything about me, my strengths, weaknesses, personality, grew and became stronger from glitch. Now all that added strength is like leaving, plus old. My life is shriveling and going down the drain. A sad, moldy, dark, drain.
    Posted 12 years ago by PeachPop Subscriber! | Permalink
  • i keep logging on daily, hoping that the decision has been heart is broken by glitch closing :(
    Posted 12 years ago by ? ? Leď.Leď ? ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Glitch was the best thing to happen to the Internet since the Internet was invented. The people here are amazing. I can have a friendly, intelligent conversation with anyone on Glitch, and that is the difference between this and other MMOs. Plus egg trees. 
    Posted 12 years ago by Akane Tuna Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Every time my computer screensaver pops up and one of my Glitch pics rolls by I find myself sadly glancing at a sleeping monitor, knowing that soon thats all there will be left, pictures of a place and time that I(we) will no longer be able to will no longer exist. And it really makes me sad. And it also really makes me mad.

    Thank you Glitch and TS for some great memories...even though at times I wish I could somehow erase them...

    Sir Mixalatte
    Posted 12 years ago by Sir Mixalatte Subscriber! | Permalink
  • ?? ?????????!
    Posted 12 years ago by Miki Gymnast Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Phew. Just checked back to make sure Glitch was still closing. And it is! All is well in the world. See ya in Hell, Stewart!
    Posted 12 years ago by Deimaginator Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Goodbye Glitch, I'll surely miss you.

    It was such a unique game, surely different from all the plain old point, click, kill then earn exp. 
    Best part, I had fun while being immersed in a creative, imaginative world. Squeezing chickens and gathering meat from witty little animals. There's none other like it. The community was also very nice and it was the game I could play while relaxing when i came home from school.

    Lots of love,
    Rosette. <3
    Posted 12 years ago by Rosette Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you for such a phenomenal game. The amazing vision and talent that you poured into this wonderful world is beyond words. I will miss the daily tasks I set for myself. The quests, the feats, the street building, the world discovering, the collecting and swapping ... O so very many things, but most of all for each person behind their Glitchy avatar. Thanks for the memories.
    Someday Stoot I hope you launch another fantastic game. I'll be there to play it. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Rhoze Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you, TinySpeck, for the chance to play Glitch. This is/was simply delightful, and I'll miss it terribly. I haven't played much for a long time, not through boredom with the game but rather because of overwhelming real-life, but it was kind of lurking there just waiting for me to return, I thought, a warm, fun realm, worlds away from the usual dreadfully dull hack-n-slay-fests. So news of the impending closure of Ur was... awful. But if I feel terrible about it, I can only begin to imagine how much worse it is for you, who've put so very much into this for so long. I really hope you can resurrect something like this on a platform with more of a future than Flash, and I really hope you've inspired others to try to stray further from the combat paradigm with MMPGs. Glitch is a thing of genius, beauty and sheer hard work, and I'm ashamed to not have subscribed when I had the chance.
    Posted 12 years ago by Richard Head Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you for this beautiful game... I wish I hadn't neglected Glitch when real life took over... I just thought that it would always be here for me when I wanted to return to this stress-free world. Now I have so much I haven't done yet and will never complete before the game closes... but I'm trying my best to experience all that I've missed, to the point of sacrificing sleep just to have extra time to play.
    Player-initiated activites like the lottery, player interaction, and the kindness is amazing. It's a pity and real heartbreaker to see all this beauty go, but I'll never forget the days I spent jumping around in Flipside, waiting for the super quoin to spawn in Leftmost Graze, squashing grapes in Hell, the mining madness in Ajaya Bliss, and the cute little abode in Buckward Vale I owned before the housing reset. 
    I just can't say enough about how beautiful Ur is. The landscapes and sceneries of the places, especially Samudra... it just has this wonderful magical feeling. Thank you for everything, Glitch.
    Posted 12 years ago by Kieley Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I have watched this tread grow and grow over the days/weeks and have even cried real tears over some of the replies. I dont think I can add anything anyone has not already said. But i guess i am just going to repet it. 
    Thank you for giving me nearly two years of great fun. I have cried, laughed and even screamed abuse while playing here in the evenings [sure beats the shitty TV] I will miss glitch dearly and am not sure I will ever find anything to even come close to just how great it was. 
    I wish all the team at TS well and good luck in all your future projects. I am sure with the talent you all have something great is waiting to happen to you all. 
    I am so glad i was part of something so special and will never forget my time here. I will  miss all my glitchy friends dearly and hope some how we are able to meet again one day or keep in touch some how. 
    TS  please keep my email on file and send me that alpha test invite if you ever do decide to try anything else. I wish you all the very best and THANK YOU so very very much for all the fun and great times testing and playing glitch. 
    Take care everyone Love Misha xxx
    Posted 12 years ago by Misha Subscriber! | Permalink
  • At about midnight last night, Pale Queen earned the Maniacal Foxbrusher badge, and then exclaimed:



    She then demurely thanked the two of us who were helping her corral the beasts, and bid us good night.

    For me, this sequence sums up so much of what I will fondly remember about the game . . . but also seems like a good way to say good-bye (at least to the virtual animals).
    Posted 12 years ago by Leites Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I just got one question to Stoot, and the tiny speck team. what will happen to Ur? since Glitchen will be gone, what about the Smugglers? the Butterflys? and the damn Foxes? Will Ur survive? 
    Posted 12 years ago by Future Shock Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I vow NEVER to get this involved in another online game again!!! My heart was broken when Faunasphere closed, now this!.....I am disillusioned, brokenhearted, depressed and finished with online Games FOREVER!
    If I sound bitter, I guess that right now, I am.
    See all you great friends around Facebook, I guess.

    Posted 12 years ago by Ksujoe Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I agree, Ksujoe, My heart, too is broken. First Faunasphere and now Glitch. It just is not worth getting so involved both emotionally and financially in online games any more. It seems every time I get involved in a game I really love, the carpet gets pulled out from under me. No more for me, either!! I will play some Facebook games, but I don't get involved in them, they just aren't special like the other two were. **Sigh**
    Posted 12 years ago by Fstra Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I began playing Glitch the day before the announcement.
    I hadn't played any online games before, and was sceptical.
    I can say Glitch was the best thing I found on the internet, and I played on it for hours, making Sammichs, brushing Foxes, nibbling Piggies.
    Now all of this is gone, and I feel empty and sick with the fact that within 3 days, Glitch will be gone.
    Posted 12 years ago by Jezza C Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I just came across Iain M Banks talking about his Culture series and couldn't help but think of Ur as well:

    "The Culture, of course, has gone beyond even that, to an economy so much a part of society it is hardly worthy of a separate definition, and which is limited only by imagination, philosophy (and manners), and the idea of minimally wasteful elegance; a kind of galactic ecological awareness allied to a desire to create beauty and goodness."
    Posted 12 years ago by Scoresby Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'll miss everything. Especially the funny things the trees, animals, plants and even rocks say.

    Glitch is a very special one-and-only. Thank you and goodbye.
    Posted 12 years ago by Silvermoon.Trance Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Can you give us any details about what will happen at 8 PM on Sunday?  Do we need to have our snaps downloaded by then, or will they remain for a time?  Will the forum go down at the same time the game's plug is pulled?

    I have been through this before, but there are always questions.

    ? TS

    EDIT:  Sorry if the questions have already been asked!
    Posted 12 years ago by Genkicoll Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm on the verge of crying again. x_x I honestly had a dream about Glitch staying alive last night...
    Posted 12 years ago by tozoku Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Inspired by the (heartbreaking!) poems that the street spirits have started to share, I wrote a sonnet from the phantoms that the faded heart reveals:

    We phantoms only half-forgot
    Who linger in Ilmenskie's deeps
    Have known what sorrows Giants wrought.
    Our sunken eyes see yours that weep,
    You glitchen bearing faded hearts,  
    Who seek us out in corners cold.
    We've dwelled here from the very start
    Of this age, which is not so old
    As all the Giants ever thought.
    You're not the first to die this way.
    When Giants' efforts come to naught
    They blink, and Urth is dreamt away.
    Friends, steel your faded hearts, and then
    You'll sleep a while, and wake again.
    Posted 12 years ago by Melismata Rookwood Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh Melismata that is so beautiful. You made me choke up.
    Posted 12 years ago by Spree Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @ Melismata -- really beautiful, and it gives me hope.
    Posted 12 years ago by kastlin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Lump in throat. How beautiful, Melismata. Thank you.
    Posted 12 years ago by ElleD Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Oh, Melismata. Stunning. I'm stunned. And grateful.
    Posted 12 years ago by Flowerry Pott Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I changed my name for the last days, from PittyPat to PittyPat is sad :(
    Posted 12 years ago by PittyPat is sad Subscriber! | Permalink
  • @Melismata What a beautiful, beautiful sonnet. Thank you for sharing. :)
    Posted 12 years ago by Wynella Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This was more than just an online game.  It had heart.  It hadfriendship.  But most importantly, it had love.
    Posted 12 years ago by Rodger Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I rarely got to play towards the end - uncooperative computer - but I'm really sad to see it go.
    Somehow the internet was just friendlier knowing Glitch was out there.

    Have a joyous and utterly rad post-Glitch life, everyone.
    Best of luck in all your future endeavours, creators. <3
    Posted 12 years ago by Hoyden Nova Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Add me to the bittersweetly broken hearted.. (sounds like a song...) .
    I still dont have words for the sadness I feel about the pending doom .
    I , like others, had to take a sabbatical from playing - as real-life went ballistic and I was un-able to play . I miss you Ur and glitchens already..
    Posted 12 years ago by serenitycat Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I keep checking the forums just in the off chance the game has been saved. But I can't bear to log in and play and have fun and love the game all over again. Not mad anymore, just very sad.

     I have very much enjoyed playing with such a friendly, wonderful community of gamers. I want to thank all you Glitchen who made this place so welcoming and unique.

    Happy Trails all.
    Posted 12 years ago by Ziti Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Im not brokenfarted in the slightest, and I will tell you a secret:

    Onion rings make me fart.  So I got an infinite supply now.

    Maybe Glitch can be re-tooled some day.  It just needs a few minor revisions.  The game is pretty complete, but the higher level activities need to be fleshed out a bit more.

    Ive seen some seriously shitty games online and Glitch blew away 99% of em, so if folks had the chance to come here and goof around with it...they might stay.

    But the high level stuff needs to be way more in depth, imo.  Its not bad, just difficult to encourage folks to stay and stay and stay.
    Posted 12 years ago by ? elf ? Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Goodbye glitch.  im so sad to see you go
    i hope we have been helpful to you guys at tiny speck
    and that maybe, someday, glitch can return
    or elements of it could be built into another game
    Posted 12 years ago by terezipyrope Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Goodbye glitch and glitchens <3

    I am so happy to have found this game, played it, and loved it. It was different then any game I've seen. The community itself was so... 'glitchen like'. It was the first game the I always came back to and spent any real money on. I guess I never truly accepted how much I was addicted to this preposterous game. So, thank you TS for creating this amazing game and everything in it. I will really miss it :')

    A sad Glitchen,
    Posted 12 years ago by Golden Apple Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm going to miss Glitch. I think I'm going to cry.
    Posted 12 years ago by Linoleum Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I came to Glitch last year during the build-up to the big launch, toward the end of that beta period. I was mostly here because I found a random link to it somewhere, but I also had it in the back of my head that I'd write a review for a publication I worked for. That review is here:

    Shortly after that review ran, my life got in the way, and I just couldn't make it back as often as I would have liked. I came back for Glitchoween, and I had planned to come back for Glitchmas, but I just couldn't find the time.

    Yet I'd always hoped that Glitch would be waiting whenever I DID find a little time to play around. My wife kept coming for almost a year past when I did (you might have known her as Joan Holloway or Mockingjay), and she always talked about such fun stuff that was going on.

    It's for that reason, I suppose, that the news of Glitch closing hit me so hard, even though I spent probably six weeks total playing the game every day. It was nice to imagine a quiet little space where people were friendly and fun stuff happened. I get that this game wasn't for everybody, but it was for me, for a little while at least. I find myself hoping for a last-second reprieve, even though I know I'd have no time to play whatsoever. I guess it'll just be sort of hidden away in the mists, a weird valley that maybe people will stumble upon by accident. I'll continue to believe in it existing on some parallel plane and hope that someday I'll get a look into it.

    I'm hoping to pop in sometime before the closure, but if I can't, I wanted to say goodbye and thank you to everybody who made the game such a fun experience. I hope you all go on to find worlds worthy of you.

    (Todd VanDerWerff)
    Posted 12 years ago by XtheOwl Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I haven't felt like playing since the announcement, but I'll be around this weekend to say goodbye. I've loved this game so much, and I'll miss Ur and all the Glitchen. I wish everyone all the best for the future, may all your piggies always be nibbled and your wood trees always petted.
    Posted 12 years ago by eviljen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I can't believe Glitch will really be gone soon; I kind of thought it would be around forever. Thanks for all the memories, TS! I hope we'll see each other again.
    Posted 12 years ago by Satu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Dear Glitch and Glitchens,

    Thank you. For a comforting space. For my own home. For a beautiful escape. For a wondrous journey. For friends with hearts bigger than I knew possible. For unconditional warmth and friendship. For silly objects. For inspiring quests. For gracious giants. For laughs and giggles. For reminding me that there is a space where we were greeted by nothing but beauty and open hearts.

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you. 
    Don't change; you're beautiful just as you are.
    Posted 12 years ago by MojoMerlin Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thank you for everything, TS. This has been a beautiful, wonderful game, and it has created some amazing memories. I am really grateful you guys worked so hard on it. Thank you. <3
    Posted 12 years ago by Harar Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I am SO SAD.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pointy Sticks Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Even now I still can't believe it.  Can't get past the denial stage :(
    Posted 12 years ago by Emberlyn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • :(
    Posted 12 years ago by coolbettycakes Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I will never forget the feelings of wonder that Ur and all of its people gave me. Thank you, all.
    Posted 12 years ago by WindRose Subscriber! | Permalink
  • PhD - This summer, I was idly flipping garden dirt with a spoon (don’t ask) when I decided I no longer wanted sit in a classroom that did not include a sandbox. I was bored with my doctorate classes - so I began my PhD of Glitch (and really feel I got my currents worth!)
    In this program, I have learned:
    - to have read the couplet or linod by flask that begins – to ride a bicycle is to cheat death. 
    Also, the immortal writings of Lord Bacon-o, theater as taught by Vocable, music and civility from Bachjess and Theremina Lute.  - Erection from Kukubee
    Consumer Science: LisaH taught me recipes IRL and so did Mart Lume
    Computer Science: Kevbob taught me steady kindness and no shortcuts
    - to have learned to enjoy wrangling the buggy suckers. This optimizes them, you know.
    Comparative Religions: I have walked through the levels of hell and fear them not – verily I has a badge for completion. And philosophy for that shit that GOD and Stoot et al say alla time
    Self Improvement: And finally, I have become a better person, thanks to your kindness. I am able to judge others IRL less harshly – now I observe and think they just have their Glitch on – we all would be wearing butt-feathers if we could. I like to do small repetitive chores for little or no benefit, to achieve a badge (or finally get them dishes done). 
    There are many more Glitchen that I am forever grateful to or pissed off about. Count yourself as among those I will forever contemplate,please!
    As I graduate with my PhD of Glitch, I will always remember and celebrate your existence, free people and inhabitants of UR. THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!!
    Posted 12 years ago by harriette Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Goodbye, Glitch.  The world is a much darker place without you. :(  I'll always love you!
    Posted 12 years ago by Maegen Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Nothing fancy, just words put together to describe, in a small way, my feelings for this lovely place.  It is a sad farewell to our daily existence in Ur, for we will never forget in our hearts.

    As I travel the land of Ur
    as I walk the hills and streets
    always a hi or hug or kindness with
    a glitch or two I meet.

    A piggy to pet
    a chicken to squeeze
    a kitties' purr
    butterfly I sing to thee.

    My Glitchen life is filled with joy
    I walk the mountains and fields
    and folds
    of forest and water and caves to explore.

    I visit the giants of Ur each day
    to leave a gift so I can say
    thank you for the beauty and peace
    to be enjoyed by Glitchens each.

    This time in Ur was precious and free
    to feel the ageless childlike glee
    of sharing and giving and loving, dear friends,
    in our hearts Ur will never end.
    Posted 12 years ago by Pick A Lily Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I know Stoot is a literature fan from all the quotes in-game and this poem has been haunting me all day. I offer it up since you certainly don't want to read my poor attempts at poetry. ;-)

    Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

    Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
    Because their words had forked no lightening they
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
    Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
    And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
    Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    And you, my father, there on the sad height,
    Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Dylan Thomas
    Posted 12 years ago by Lucille Ball Subscriber! | Permalink
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