
Dusty Stick for sale (closed)

Currants or currants+items preferred. 
Please send offers by mail. Deal may not be that of highest value but most valued by me. Yes, I'm weird like that. 
Sale open for approximately the next 48 hours. I will post when a deal has been struck or my dusty stick has decided to remain in residence with me.

Posted 12 years ago by JW Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Thanks for the offers so far. I appreciate those who used the mail. 
    Messages left with my butler are much harder to keep track of, but I did grab screen caps and save them.
    Lots of time left for those interested.
    Posted 12 years ago by JW Subscriber! | Permalink
  • More great offers have come in. Thanks so much!

    In fairness to all (or fair as I see it), I am not replying to individuals. I am not trying for a bidding war, one-upping-type-thing. :D Please submit your best offer in clear terms. I do not want to ask for more or reveal the offers of others. If you'd like to make another offer, please do.

    I have been playing since late-Alpha, so I have most collectibles--no SB-1, T-1, or plate of beans of course. That is not to say I do not want multiples of the collectibles. It's just I'm not out to get more to turn around and sell.

    Thanks again for your time.

    **Yes, this is the only dusty stick I have.
    Posted 12 years ago by JW Subscriber! | Permalink
  • 16 hours to go
    Posted 12 years ago by JW Subscriber! | Permalink
  • final hour

    **64 minutes later--message sent to the Glitch whose offer I selected. I'll post again if the deal falls through.
    Thanks for all the generous offers.
    Posted 12 years ago by JW Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ha, this is all so secretive and mysterious! Interesting way to do a sale. The "winner" must have made quite the offer -- I spoke with a couple people and was pretty impressed with the sorts of packages they had put together. I'm glad you found the perfect fit!
    Posted 12 years ago by Sirentist Subscriber! | Permalink