
I want to hold your rare item *was Yetti doll *was dusty stick....

and I will pay a whole earth hour of servitude. Everything I can gather and make at your request in that hour.
same goes for a glitchmas yeti and any of the ultra rare music blocks (not GNG)

I've never taken anything from anyone and I just want to have the achievement of holding the items for a short while to have them appear as new items, investigate what they do and return them.

Please and thank you muchly. I can also pay currants if you set a price, and pay in some game items, I have almost everything else.
Gowan. I will always give back, with extras.

Posted 12 years ago by jiva Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I'm so happy. I've had two offers to hold others dusty sticks.

    BUT I'd still like to hold a glitchmas yetti and the ultra rare music blocks.

    The offer still stands, I'll give my time to you to do anything you want in game.
    Posted 12 years ago by jiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Look me up next time we're both in game at the same time, Jiva! You can hold mine and I might even have an odd glitchy game item or two that you can hold as well. You don't have to be my indentured servant or pay money or whatever. 

    Or, if you prefer, we can say the "price" is that you'll participate in the upcoming "Where's Bruce?" project or something, ha! If I ever get it together to put it up, of course. 

    What shameless self-promotion? *makes indignant innocent face in every direction at once*
    Posted 12 years ago by Sirentist Subscriber! | Permalink
  • aw, you're a love. I'll take part, now its all a lot easier to change my settings and return back to the face I want :)
    Posted 12 years ago by jiva Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I love this game, and the people in it who are kind enough to share. I've held Sirentists yeti and I've got a loan on a dusty stick, I could not be happier.

    Now can I push my luck and go further? What about the plate of beans? Or the juju trowel. Items of mere legend...

    Same rules aply, or if you can think of anything you want, name it. This is only to hold and return your rare item, un-soiled and well loved. I can even keep you anonymous if you want. So nobody knows who lent me the item.
    Posted 12 years ago by jiva Subscriber! | Permalink