Evi Effect

Region: Bortola


A Kitchen Tools Vendor., A shrine dedicated to Mab., and Plus 1 Dirt Pile, 2 Fruit Trees, 1 Metal Rock for mining, and 1 Dullite Rock for mining.

Unlocked by

PapaBear MzMunchken Kira Bajira and 110 others

This location was unlocked 621 days ago.


My Goodbye
To the globals that didn't know I was sometimes lurking, but provided some good laughs -thank you. To the imaginative whose works of art and writings I admired -thank you. To the groups and organizers that created extra fun -thank you. To the the glitch I never spoke to but saw around UR often, sometimes we would exchange a 'hi' -thank you. To the glitch who never failed to give me a hug or kiss when passing by even when I wasn't always fast enough to reciprocate -thank you. To the glitch who when I saw that they had come online I anticipated the IM -thank you. To the Tiny Speck staff for all your hard work -thank you. Goodbye my fellow glitchen, I will miss you more than you know.
I'm glad you're with me at the End Of All Ur
I've gotten to do so many things! I just wish we had more time. There are so many more things I still want to do.

This game is amazing. I will miss it a lot.

THANK YOU to the people who first Imagined it, and THANK YOU to each person who added to it from your own bright, creative, terrifying, hilarious, and beautiful Imaginations.