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armi's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

armi's Home Street

Owned by armi


2 Dirt Piles, 1 Spice Plant, 1 Bubble Tree, 1 Fruit Tree, 1 Gas Plant, 5 Dullite Rocks for mining, 3 Sparkly Rocks for mining, 2 Metal Rocks for mining, and 1 Beryl Rock for mining.


Famous Last words
Pull the pin and count to what?

Which wire was I supposed to cut?

I wonder where the Mother bear is.

I've seen this done on TV.

These are the good kind of mushrooms.

I'll hold it and you light the fuse.

What's that priest doing here?

You look just like Charles Manson.

This doesn't taste right.

Nice doggie.

I've done this before.

Well we've made it this far.

That's odd.

A note!
please, do not just take please talk to me first
