Suzcka's Home Street

Owned by Suzcka


1 Dirt Pile, 1 Fruit Tree, 1 Dullite Rock for mining, 1 Metal Rock for mining, and 83 Herb Garden plots.


Amorous Philtre: 10% mood boost you can share
Ancestral Spirits: Stave off Overwhelming Ancestral Nostalgia
Charades Potion: Play a word-guessing game w/others on street
Door Drink: Open a surprise Hyperspacetime Portal Door
Elixir of Avarice: Increase your quoin limit for the day
Keycutter Tonic: Change a key into a random other key
Potion of Animal Youth: Change animals back into babies
Rainbow Juice: Induces propellent rainbow flatulence
Rook Balm: Heals an animal or tree hit by a Rook attack
Tree Poison: Murder a tree
Tree Poison Antidote: Save a poisoned tree

Love note
Write something!
Hiya Neighbor!
I LOVE what you'e done with the place!!!! I can't wait to see what you do with the top floor!!!