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Awn Terio | Locations | Glitch

Awn Terio

Region: Nottis


A Produce Vendor., A shrine dedicated to Grendaline., and Plus 1 Bubble Tree, and 2 Wood Trees.


A note!

why you ask?... cuz everyone needs a hug!

I'm missing so much attacks...
I don't think there are enough hugs in the world to make me feel better right now.

There is so much beauty and charm and genuine good will in this game... and it's all going to go poof...
Dear Traveler,
My name is Bio the Dragon. This is my last letter. I will make sure of this. My quill will remain stationary forevermore in my home, my blank papers will be scattered all across the wind.

I am writing this to tell you where I plan to die. Like the salmon that comes back upstream after its long journey to the sea, so too have I returned from my journey around the world. I have visited every street on the map and many more that cannot be found on such a simple piece of paper. And yet in all my journeys I have never found a place more beautiful than this.

I will sit here at the end of all things, watch the moon slowly glisten on the water, listen to the wind sing, and sip on wine of the dead. Oh, how I'll miss this beautiful world. How I longed to have spent a longer time here. This place existed for years before I came, but I will see it off along with the rest of you.

May the next imagining be even more splendid than this, and may we yet play a long time.

Best wishes,
To Bio
I have read this note and the note you left in Folivoria in the last street you hadn't visited. I am touring all of Ur as well and I agree this is one of the most beautiful spots in Ur. Peace, hope you see this at the end
Oh, Bio.
May the end of the world find you well here. When the giants fall asleep again, maybe we'll see each other.
Bio the Traveller--
There are so many places on Ur that I want to be at the End... I wish I could be everywhere at once, with everyone at once, laughing and crying and hugging and being silent.

I just realized I used my last teleportation token for the day, and this is the last day. I wonder if I'll be able to get home?

Be well, and Giantspeed.
A note!
I just finished visiting all the streets in Ur yesterday, and I agree, this is the most perfect place. I don't know if this is where I'll end up when we all disappear, but it will always be my favourite.
peace to all of you
What a beautiful place, and what beautiful notes. Sparks and joy and love to all of you at the end and in our new beginnings.