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Nummy Muffin's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

Nummy Muffin's Home Street

Owned by Nummy Muffin


A Firefly Swarm, 1 Bean Tree, 1 Egg Plant, 1 Bubble Tree, 1 Spice Plant, 1 Beryl Rock for mining, 4 Crop Garden plots, and 4 Herb Garden plots.


Goodnight Ur. (Part 1/2)
T'was few days before it ended, when all through the world
many glitches were stirring, fixing up thier own house.
The items were cheap and the friendship aplenty,
not a glitch was left out, not one, not twenty.

The glitches wouldn't nestle or get snug in their beds,
While even more glitches were conjured in giants heads.
Glitches in caps and in robes and in shoes,
Nobody knew what else they should choose.

When out in the world arose such a clatter,
glitches sprang from thier streets to see what's the matter.
they rose to the times and they opened thier minds,
Tore open the world and saw what they'd find.

T'was not able to fix and impossible to try
This was they day that the world they knew died.
When out of the blue, something nobody knew,
Was a glimer, a small ray of hope.

With just less than a month, and with hope in thier hearts,
they knew that they had to connect.
For not all would be lost in this firey tempest,
The connections and friends made were the greatest!
Goodnight Ur. (Part 2/2)
They worked and toiled, typed and shouted out,
made all just to kindle a friendship.
for this can't be the end, the end of all things, for they all still have thier kinship!
Now run, go little glitch, run to the ones that you met!

for they run to you and want to meet you, when your glitchy forms meet demise.
Glitches from all over gathered together, connected and looked at the sky.
So up to the giants these happy thoughts flew,
Making their remorse less and less and thier happiness grew.

We enjoyed this new world, this magical place,
And now it's lived it's life,
it's no time for weeping its no time for strife.
So Go and enjoy, meet up with your friends, and have a good rest of your life!
If you enjoyed this or the rest of my stories feel free to visit this web site: http://glitch.hyperbytes.net

Here you can reconnect with me, and other glitches as well as read my stories, if you enjoyed them. I will be posting new ones so stay tuned!

Thanks for the memories <3