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Corixis's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

Corixis's Home Street

Owned by Corixis


A Firefly Swarm, 2 Gas Plants, 1 Wood Tree, 1 Egg Plant, 1 Bean Tree, and 1 Spice Plant.


Don't be bored!
You can do anything! Try to visit new areas, look at the list of badges and try to get some, increase your favor with the giants to get emblems, have you bought a house yet? You get lots of quests with your house... You should also try to stock up on meat and butterfly milk you can never really have enough of those and they are good things to donate to increase favor. Also look at the groups and see what the groups are involved with, they do alot of little quest-type (and party!) things that can be fun! It's the game of giant imagination! Don't limit yourself! =D
If you value your circles and spheres,
You'll leave the deep math to your peers.
You might fix pi at 2,
Then O would be U,
And hideous RUUKS might appear...

Send mail to Zurin to receive a little something

Brought to you by the Sandbox Group.
Ode to a two floor tower
A two story tower, without any shine,
No doors just bare floors, how i wish it were mine.
What does one do, with two levels of space?
Whatever one wants, at whatever one's pace.
We should all have small towers,
To love and promote,
and when I visit your tower,
I will leave you a note.

>Chartreuse Marauder