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Agnes Snatchflannel's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

Agnes Snatchflannel's Home Street

Owned by Agnes Snatchflannel


A Firefly Swarm, 3 Jellisac Growths, 3 Mortar Barnacles, 1 Peat Bog, 5 Dirt Piles, and 7 Spice Plants.


When life gives you lemons...

Year 23 Horoscope - The Batterfly
The Batterfly: 5th of Junuary @ 8am - 11th of Septa @ 11:59pm
Associated Giants: Mab, Pot, Tii, Zille. Ruled by Hairball (and exalted in Hairball).

Year 22 marked a revolutionary period in Glitch: the start of a new era of imagination. Year 23 will be no less tumultuous, for even though the first wave of novelty has worn off, much of Ur is still in flux and new imaginings continue to happen without warning. This year is especially connected with the herb Hairball, as well as the Giants Lem, Cosma, and Tii.

This will be an excellent time to build up your stash of resources. Be mindful, however, that spending too much time hoarding wealth will prevent you from actually doing stuff. Is there something you?ve been hoarding that you could use in a new and interesting way?

...the full Year 23 horoscope can be found at: theimaginatur.com/?p=1535
...the full guide to the Signs of the Glitchian Zodiac can be found at: glitch.com/forum/general/20369/

Ananda and the Turtle, Pt. 2
By Yakitori
Plain Crystal Publishing Inc.

It is considered a bad omen for something to go missing on the day of your birth, and the loss of the statue was a terrible omen indeed. Our chieftain, angered and helpless, thought that since today was my birthday, our tribe's loss was my fault entirely.

Guards came to my hut that day and took me to the chieftain?s court.

?Where is it?? The chieftain snarled. ?Where is the statue??

?Your majesty,? I said calmly, ?I have been in my hut all morning, I could not have taken it.?

?That is no excuse!? he screamed. ?You will be sent out into the rain forest to find it. And if you cannot, you will not return at all.?

With that the guards took me to the edge of our rainforest where scant supplies had been laid out: water skins, a bag of food, some extra clothing and a sleeping mat. Strapping everything to my back, I felt the weight of it all and tried not to cry. Not daring to face the guards, I headed into the forest.
Ananda and the Turtle, Pt. 1
By Yakitori
Plain Crystal Publishing Inc.

You may think that a turtle is simply a slow-moving creature
undeserving of respect or reverence, but if you had been born into
the tribe of Bahamalama, you would think differently.

My name is Ananda, and I am 13 years old today. I live with the
tribe of Bahamalama, and like many other tribes, we have a sacred animal. Ours is the turtle.

Centuries ago, our first chieftain, Vladimir, found a small turtle
statue made of a copper-coloured crystal. Recognizing its value,
the chieftain brought the statue back to the temple for the sages
and priests to inspect. Together they concluded that this sacred
artefact had been made by the gods themselves: Ru and Ka.

Now that I am a woman grown and a child no more, the legends of my people are even more precious to me. And so it was with great sadness that I learned today, of all days, that our sacred turtle statue had been stolen.
On libraries
If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. ~Cicero
Laundry day
Laundry day
see you here
Wanna say
love your hair
here I go
With my freeze ray I will stop the world
with my freeze ray I will find the time to find the words to
Tell you how
how you make
make me feel
what's the phrase
A Blessing for You!
Numbers 6:22-24 - New International Version (NIV)

24 ?The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. ?

A note!
Thunder rumbles, woke me from my blissful sleep. Now I'm behind, too much to do. I don't like the rain.
The Legend of the Fish
The Legend of the Fish.

Once these tree salmon roamed these lands in great abundance. Today, however, they are few. It is a rare treat indeed to find a fish among the trees, but sometimes. if you look carefully, you can discover one.

There is nothing about these fish that make them uniquely suited for life in the trees. In fact, they're pretty much *not* suited for life in the trees, which may well explain their rarity.

But, know this, little one: There will come a time when these trees will be full of fish once again. And when that time comes, the fish will remember who on Ur shared empathy for their plight, and who greedily took them added them to a plank along with some olive-oil and ate them.

And they **will have their revenge.**

Spread the Legend! http://www.glitch.com/groups/RHFV0OBO1HN2H41/
What did you say?
"I have an attention span, just not a large one."

- beebs
If you never...
If you never di, you should!
These things are fun, and fun is good!

-Dr. Seuss
My opinion about this library

- Srammy
When Life Gives You Lemons...
Pucker UP!
Blow a kiss...
it will never miss.

Pucker UP!
Smooch a pooch...
wash yer mouth with hootch.

Pucker UP!
Snog on a log...
with a princely frog.

The Legend of the Stars
They say the moon was plucked from the sky so that the giants could find their way amongst the stars.
In turn, they gave us the moon so we could find our way around Ur.
But they didn't think it through you see, for they never imagined that they would imagine so many. So, to keep up with demand, they started making moons from fox fibers and giving them to the Glitchen.

Humbaba found this all quite silly, and made fireflies to light the way. Because as every smart giant knew, the moon reflectied the stars.
Oh, what a beautiful morning!
Oh, what a beautiful day.

I got a beautiful feeling! Yellowcrumb's coming my way!
Scoresby & Co., Private Investigators
Some son-of-a-glitch raiding your herb garden?Skulduggery in some seam street?Want an item recovered?Scoresby & co. are here to help. Special rates for newbies. Discretion assured.
HYMN 123
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful:
The Giants made them all.

Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
Humbaba made their glowing colors,
He made their tiny wings.

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful:
The Giants made them all.

And for Giant Zille he made
The purple headed mountains,
Giant Grendaline made the
The river flowing by,

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful:
The Giants made them all.

Cosma made sunset and the morning
That brightens up the sky.
The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,

Mab ripened the fruits in the garden,
He made them every one.
Spriggan made tall trees in the greenwood,
The meadows where we play
That rushes by the water
To gather every day.

Gave us eyes to see them
And lips that we might tell
How great is Giants Almighty
Who has made all things well.
Bhut Jolokia purpled here
the chickens keep pecking me
Fascinating True Fact About Me #1
I?ve never traveled out of the state I was born in. And by that I mean the state of Massachusetts, not the state of being tiny and slimy and unable to make sentences.
nan jat danahil emiruriqu nashaan. liuun viviche enmin na jat luhn.

I don't want to be here.

Why is this happening.

I can feel them crawling in my skin.

Whispering in my brain.

Moving my limbs.

What is happening to me?
There is No City that Does Not Dream
There is no city that does not dream
from its foundations. The lost lake
crumbling in the hands of the brickmakers,
the floor of the ravine where light lies broken
with the memory of rivers. All the winters
stored in that geologic
garden. Dinosaurs sleep in the subway
at Bloor and Shaw, a bed of bones
under the rumbling track. The storm
that lit the city with the voltage
of spring, when we were eighteen
on the clean earth. The ferry ride in the rain,
wind wet with wedding music and everything that
sings in the carbon of stone and bone
like a page of love, wind-lost from a hand, unread.
-Anne Michaels

This is just to say
I have eaten
the purple flowers
that were in
the herb garden

and which
you were probably
for essences

Forgive me
they were delicious
so weird
and so purpley

(apologies to William Carlos Williams)
mawahhahaah cant keep me out or stop me from dragging my ass on your lovely soft plush carpet mawhahhahaha


this note will turn to poop in:
A Salty Haiku
She said she loves Chefs
I gave her my secret sauce
Glitches love the sauce

I must down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea's face and a grey dawn breaking.
I must down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.
I must down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way where the wind's like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And a quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.
-John Masefield

The Legend of the Fish
The Legend of the Fish

Once these tree salmon roamed these lands in great abundance. Today, however, they are few. It is a rare treat indeed to find a fish among the trees, but sometimes. if you look carefully, you can discover one.

There is nothing about these fish that make them uniquely suited for life in the trees. In fact, they're pretty much *not* suited for life in the trees, which may well explain their rarity.

But, know this, little one: There will come a time when these trees will be full of fish once again. And when that time comes, the fish will remember who on Ur shared empathy for their plight, and who greedily took them added them to a plank along with some olive-oil and ate them.

And they **will have their revenge.**

- Raevyn Grovemother
A note!
Pssst! You suck!
Ob hier wohl jemand deutsch spricht?
Wenn ja, dann hast Du das hier gerade verstanden :)
miSS1ng s0m3 p0rk?
iF yOu EVer wAnT tO s33 Y0uR p1gg1E aGA1N, L3Ave 1,000,000 unMaRk3d cuRRantS w1Th TH3 cH1cK3n 1N N1Ra n00ks.

D0n'T tRY t0 AleRT tH3 AUTH0rit13s, we'r3 WATCHING.
An open letter to Zhambu
Dear Zhambu,
We glitches really like you and your savanna lands. You may not recognise the praise you get (because you are a stretching landmass), but nevertheless, you are welcome in your place. Stay awesome.
-The glitches of Ur
Inspiration has no price but great value.
It does not come from inside, but is found.
It can be held but not captured.
Like an ice cube it can melt away.

Wrong! Inspiration comes from within. There is a small child in me peeking around me, quietly observing, waiting, looking for something. Something to put together in an interesting way. Sometimes he sits back and admires how he has surprised himself. This is inspiration.

No, actually its my subconscious working. The boys in the basement sometimes send a message or an answer i needed.
WrOng again, you're talking about the trees and don't see the forest. It is the what happens to you that is inspiration. A song inspires you to do something. An admiring remark makes you stop and do more of that. Great music can inspire you to feel enhanced. Great pictures can inspire your harmony with the world. Great poetry can inspire a warm connection to another life.
It is the experience not the stimulus.

Or.... maybe not. Go figure.

A note!
The medical and humane treatment, or lack thereof, of our nation's disabled veterans, broken and traumatized during phony wars for the obscene capital gains of a segment of society that sets itself apart and refuses to support or even acknowledge the worth of its people as human beings, IS A SLAP IN THE FACE OF THOSE MOST DESERVING MORE THAN THE HOLLOW, EMPTY WORDS THEY RECEIVE, from a most ungrateful nation.

Please tweet the @DeptVetAffairs with your displeasure. The incompetence, arrogance and sheer disregard of their duty is purely SHAMEFUL.
O great dragon (some more poetry)
O dragon, you are pretty
Yesterday you were covered in stuff, but not today-ee
I swear o great one, 'tis not because of me
As an offering, here are some cherries !
A note!
To have found this note is quite a feat.
Please do me a favor and visit my street!

I have piggies, chickens, butterflies of blue.
Trees, rocks and gardens too!

Right here is where you should leave this note,
So others can read what I wrote! :)
Typewriter Series #218
It was when
I stepped over the last
of the broken
that I realized
the truth
that only revealed itself
when it left
my shaking hand:
like a coffee cup,
can only be smashed
into so many pieces
before it begins
to vanish
once again.

-Tyler Knott (tylerknott.com)
A note!
Behind every success man is a woman rolling her eyes.
Someone Special
Sweet and special,
Kind and helpful,
Shes already ready
to be her best.
She the sweetest person,
and who shall i name?
Why it's Larch of course,
With her street of trees,
she my best friend on Glitch to me!

dont eat the yellow snow
it might look like essence of yellow crumb flower
but it probably is not
ruminations of a fancy dresser
There was no yellow snow here. It was INFURIATING! Instead, I ate some of that stuff over there. You know, out of spite. Ever get the feeling that bats are crawling down your esophagus, and your esophagus is a bird on the floor, screaming?

ruminations of a fancy dresser
I've spun away from society's core. This is how it works: 1. You type something. 2. As a result (direct or not), somebody says something about bicycles on Global. 3. You go "WTF, I dismissed that theory when I was 14!" 5. Stop! We were in the heat of passion and you showed me the "progress" you had made, grainy as it was & transposed by your department-store scanner. These e-mail attachments, they're like surgery performed in increments by bored college students playing a prank; next thing you know, there's a fat kid laughing and you still can't account for the punch line. Anyway, you'd wrapped an undergarment around your doughy chest and posed as if you were Zooey Deschanel, a frightened kitten caught having sex with the tailpipe of the Millenium Falcon in your parents' kitchen during Thanksgiving Dinner. Poor Aunt Dee; the heart meds were in the purse. There was mascara on your lips and a bulge in your American Apparel boycuts. Maaan, I felt like someone who surfs the internets.