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Groddle Forest Junction | Locations | Glitch

Groddle Forest Junction

Region: Groddle Forest


A Hardware Vendor., A shrine dedicated to Friendly., and Plus 2 Spice Plants, 3 Bean Trees, 1 Bubble Tree, 1 Gas Plant, and 1 Fruit Tree.


aint nothin
aint nothin gon grow boi
Thank you!
I really liked the store, and found some useful items. Keep up the good work! :D
At Night I Hear My Neighbor Singing
I cannot fall asleep at midnight,
overhearing my neighbor singing.
I imagine her red lips moving
till dust falls from the beams.
I don't laugh when she misses a beat,
just pull my clothes on to steal her song,
but when I put on clothes, the song ends.
Only the moon in the window still shines.
- Mei Yaochen (1002-1060)
-translated by Tony Barnstone and Chou Ping

Things 'N' Stuff
Need stuff? Or things? We've got you covered!

Don't forget to stop by the butler for your free gift...quantities limited, no purchase required.
A note!
To have found this note is quite a feat.
Please do me a favor and visit my street!

I have piggies, chickens, butterflies of blue.
Trees, rocks and gardens too!

Right here is where you should leave this note,
So others can read what I wrote! :)
Whom is the ArchAngel?
A note!
The fiants may be awakening, we can all keep dreaming!
A note!
tiny spec! thank you for all the hours of fun! i wish you luck in your future endeavors. this has been a wonderful experience and it's given me a tremendous amount of pleasure and renewed hope in all the lovely things in the world! this game is absolutely preposterous and i thank you!
Don't be sad because it's over, be happy because it happened. Cliche, but true. Glitch was amazing while it lasted, and you'll forever have your memories of it. It will all be okay. Just remember Ur.
Someday we'll find it...
Thank you, Tiny Speck, greeters, guides, and all the Glitchen of Ur. Life's like a movie, write your own ending... Keep believing, keep pretending... We've done just what we've set out to do, Thanks to the lover, the dreamers, and YOU! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn49H3O0Jvk
That's great it starts with an earthquake, giants wake, an aeroplane GRENALDINE IS NOT AFRAID. It's the end of our Ur as we know it. It's the end of our Ur as we know it It's the end of our Ur as we know it. And I feel ... SAD. :(
A sad goodbye
Well, Glitch is ending. It is probable that no one will read this note. Glitch was a wonderful game while it lasted. I can't believe it's over. Goodbye. :'(
Farewell Glitch. It was fun. You were so very pretty. You made me smile. Farewell.
Thanks 4 the music, Ship!
52nd of Bruise
*looks like you found a loose page from a diary. what does it say?* I find scattered items all around Ur. I keep shaking at the thought of everything that I, a little Glitchling, knows of is going to.. Vanish. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. No, I am. Damn it. I guess I'll go and milk some butterflies. Spend the last few hours in peace. *You reflect upon the small ripped note. -5 mood*
goodbye glitch
I have entrusted this document to my faithful and beloved butler, VAN VEEN, to copy and distribute as he sees fit. First, the matter of my pigs, the BLACKWOOD family. I have been negligent in their care and so remand them to the wild; Ur is a kind and caring place. Secondly, to PLAID, my dearest friend. You have remained steadfast, even in our argument over the final article of the Abstrixian Creed of the Thirty-Thirteenth Alakol Convene of the Oktyabryan Synod, up to and including my excommunication. I hereby trust you with my chest of NO-NO POWDER. Third, the matter of my FAITH. To the public eye I have been a devoted HUMBABAN. I have donated my belongings to her shrine, and until the conclusion of this line she commands my greatest adoration. I am coming clean as a member of the Rookist cult. You will find my tax returns, records of seditious activities and several bottles of wine in the hidden drawer at the back of my Danish Modern cabinet.
I have entrusted this document to my faithful and beloved butler, VAN VEEN, to copy and distribute as he sees fit. First, the matter of my pigs, the BLACKWOOD family. I have been negligent in their care and so remand them to the wild; Ur is a kind and caring place. Secondly, to PLAID, my dearest friend. You have remained steadfast, even in our argument over the final article of the Abstrixian Creed of the Thirty-Thirteenth Alakol Convene of the Oktyabryan Synod, up to and including my excommunication. I hereby trust you with my chest of NO-NO POWDER. Third, the matter of my FAITH. To the public eye I have been a devoted HUMBABAN. I have donated my belongings to her shrine, and until the conclusion of this line she commands my greatest adoration. I am coming clean as a member of the Rookist cult. You will find my tax returns, records of seditious activities and several bottles of wine in the hidden drawer at the back of my Danish Modern cabinet.
I am here
I am not here but I am here
keith loon
A note!
As we all probably know, the game will end when the Giants awake. But what I wonder is fairly simple: Who will wake up first? Will it be the Giants, or the Glitchen?
It's not much ... it's not grand It's not profound or loud or deep it's simple and true So much -- I will miss this life. With a whisper, and a single tear I exit this world It all ends with barely a word, barely a sound. I love you Glitch
A note!
Lay your picks and scrapers down.....
A final word...
This game was beautiful. I wish I had had the time to play it more. But even for the short few months that I was active, I had the strongest sense of community out of any game that I've ever played. I even helped create the Imaginatur: http://www.theimaginatur.com/ which will serve as the paper of record for all the wonderful things that made Glitch special. Mostly I just want to say thank you. Yes, you - because you are part of those wonderful things. Good night, world. - r
I lobe you guys!
It's time for me to go, off into the world where the Giants dare not imagine. I've added flickr/twitter/tumblr info on my profile so if you find this before The End and want to keep up with one who once imagined with you, please do. I lobe you all. Good night.
A note!
Catch the fading evenlight..
i will miss your trees.
Write something!
Saint Game, Signing off for the last time.
So this is it, huh? The end of glitch. I just have to say, it was great while it lasted. So vibrant, so full of life and potential... All thanks to you. Thanks to you I've had the time of my life here, however short it may have been. And I just have to say, even if we never see each other again, It's been grand. I do not know you, but know that I love you, friend.
i've got 99 problems
but glitch ain't one
Im a dog im a dog im a lapdog im your lapdog