emdot's Snaps

Smallest garden on Ur.
Still stuck. Now with two RCA dogs. I'm changing that pig's name...
This Zille shrine is stuck like this. Together we are like the...
Looking at the invisibles
Rainbow Mania
big brother is in your basement making notes and taking names....
smashed, but only a little.
smashed. lampshade to prove it.
Piglets, rowed
Question: is there anything cuter than a chicken stretching its...
don't step on me
little em
the crazy things one will stumble upon when innocently trying to...
Amelia Glitchart -- what really happened?
Me, Ayn, and the dustball, who is prone to exaggeration.
Twinsies. (In spirit, anyway).
What wouln't I do for a shiny new badge?
Oh lovely gardens, how I love thee. :)
good night ...
Giving life to spice. Grow little friend. Grow, grow!
Emdot Everdeen. Hunger Games.
I should really cultivate my front yard a little more.
Eep! I didn't know I could get up here. :)
Tool Vendor has visions of race grandeur
Ye Olden Days of Koumbahm Bahm
Me and the Frog pretending we're elves living in Lothlorien. He...
Look with your eyes...
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