mostlyArmless' Snaps

Dear Everybody: This is the funeral parlor where I gave that...
... Marry me.
Hey. Heeeeey. Mr. Green thingy. Hey. Down here. Respond to...
...oh my god...
Best name evar.
Happiest piggy in the world!
Friendly staff, too.
Holy planks that's a lot of food.
Oh sure, now they all have lifeguards. I wonder why?
Oh, wait...
Flaming root-vegetables as an effect of distance:
Oh, look... in the distance, it's Masozi's house.
So... many... barnacles... can't scrape fast enough!
Here Lies Masozi. Literally starved to death while delivering a...
Just giving Masozi shit...
Yeah... seems pretty safe...
Ooooh... what's in heeeeere?
BUH. How did you. Here. When over there you were--
MY Favor! MINE!
What POSSIBLE reason could you have for coming up here, chicken?
Tree needs to make up its mind on a look.
Best. Party. EVAR. (Note: First Party)
After the Rook. Not visible: all the damage to my screen. IT...
...the heck is this thing? And why isn't there a plaque on it or...
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