needlehabit's Snaps

Keep 'em coming, my man.
I'll never make hell ketchup again. :/
Remnants....trashed the place....dumped all the furniture in my...
Got a chick on either side....bow chicka bow w--wait
Oh, you know. Gardening on purple, like a boss.
Rook attacks are so routine now my sprite gets bored...I told her...
I Hearts Glitch Trains! xD
Scratchin' muh caboose again.
Rolling through Cebarkul...sorry about your graves. :|
Chooo chooooooo!
There is a cucumber. It's just...hanging there...trying to arouse...
Traaaaaaiiiinnsss iiiiiinnnnn spaaaaaaace
Eeeee I'm a tiny train! I think I can I think I can I...
Polar Express!
He's so precious! (wipe wipe)
This isn't going to be big on dignity.
Double Rube! What does it meeeeaaaannnnnnnnn
Naked Rook Attack. This feat is wonderful.
In a treeeee on the Glitch train!
I may have interrupted a private moment here.
Pew pew pew! Fireworks....or HIreworks?
Almost forgot this feeling of....HOLY FUCK FREEZING
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