Niobe Lithos' Snaps

Carl, at the end of the the Universe...
Giving things away
It's the Niagara Falls of cubis!
And, in the end, the lobe you take is equal to the lobe you make!
To be woven in our dreaming....
The Juju paper hoard!
Somehow I've managed to get a butterfly over my head instead of a...
I bet they do!!! What a racket!!!
What a lovely view!
Wheee!! A 60 party!
Lost on land again turns 60!!
I did not know potatoes were fond of fireflies!
Didn't mean to stand on your head!
Whee! Let me mine that rock with you!
After a street blending lesson by tis!
Floating train!
I think I'm being watched....
TWO heli-kitties!
We're trying very hard to clean this up..... toxic element spill!!!
Apparently this is what happens when your craftybot hurls....
The underwater world of Samudra, and its glowing jellisacs........
All seventeen of Parashurama's salmen (I still love the spelling...
The rookists are taking over! I have ALMOST been assimilated!
Have I been assimilated yet?
Madly playing during the last half hour of the feat!
Git along, little chickie!!
My own little slice of Ur.... how I will miss it!
Never knew the 12-sided was so BIG!!!
Air Train!!
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