Autolycus' Snaps

The summit of Spitze Summit
A nice view
Street Spirit looking especially happy
The Arch of Rocher Josh
Hmm, looks like Wood Trees are a little more common around here...
Hmmm, there's got to be a Quarazy Quoin around here somewhere...
Wood Tree in Neuphf Turf. You don't see too many of these around.
Got a game
I'm wiser for having been to Weiser Wedge.
Cloud rings without the cloud rings is still beautiful
If only it were that easy in real life
The butterflies seem to like that Dullite Rock
The bright azure sky gives way to a hazy amber on the horizon
Underground in Chuff Chase 2
Another time quoin in Boor Bane D
Vast savanna of Boor Bane E
Time quoin in Boor Bane F
One more picture...
Sky in Val Holla
Val Holla!
Rook defeated!
Rook attack!
Appam, Almost
Love those steppes in the distance.
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