Jepro: Skills

You have a skill-related quest in progress

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Skills learned

Potionmaking III
Furnituremaking I
Nudgery I
Fiber Arts II
Fiber Arts I
Fox Brushing
Teleportation V
Arborology V
Teleportation IV
Potionmaking II
Herbalism III
Tinkering V
Potionmaking I
Alchemy II
Soil Appreciation V
Refining II
Arborology IV
Engineering I
Animal Kinship VII
Intermediate Admixing
Remote Herdkeeping
Tinkering IV
Martial Imagination
Animal Kinship VI
Meditative Arts III
Master Chef II
Cocktail Crafting II
Soil Appreciation IV
Light Green Thumb III
Arborology III
Teleportation III
Croppery III
Animal Kinship V
Transcendental Radiation I
Master Chef I
Herbalism II
Bureaucratic Arts II
Animal Husbandry
Blending II
Mining IV
Mining IV
Tinkering III
Teleportation II
Animal Kinship IV
Saucery II
Croppery II
Meditative Arts II
Herbalism I
Cheffery III
Mining III
Bureaucratic Arts I
Grilling II
Cheffery II
Bog Specialization
EZ Cooking II
Croppery I
Focused Meditation
Crystallography I
Penpersonship I
Tinkering II
Teleportation I
Soil Appreciation III
Saucery I
Refining I
Mining II
Jellisac Hands
Grilling I
Arborology II
Cocktail Crafting I
Animal Kinship III
Alchemy I
Spice Milling
Arborology I
Fruit Changing
Bubble Tuning
Light Green Thumb II
Soil Appreciation II
Mining I
Meditative Arts I
Tinkering I
Cheffery I
Blending I
Animal Kinship II
Element Handling
Soil Appreciation I
Light Green Thumb I
EZ Cooking I
Animal Kinship I