Laerwen's Snaps

*cheep cheep!*
My tower bar! :D
Also, coming to my lobby: a bar! I just have to fill it with...
My new and improved tower 3rd floor... cubis for sale!
Being able to multi-task = freaking awesome.
my humble wee tincture shop, now open! prices are always...
Still working on the Violet Voyage area though...
An overview of my humble abode for Lila Clemenceau (and anyone...
Fruit salad party at Bachjess' street...
glitchin' it up on oppidan ave.
Googly eyes!
Third floor jungle lounge
Goofing off a bit in Civility House...
So many cubis!
Boozing it up.
SO CUTE! omg <3
I love to fly!
Four Glitchen, sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!
Moar beautiful decorations...
Civility loves to decorate!
My fun yet humble bedroom :3
A happy potion-making kiosk and some old trophies.
My little zen area, plus my cubi kiosk...
What are you doin' up there, chickie?!
Teeny weeny meeee!
I never noticed this door here before.
Amazing landscapes.
Magical trees...
The dark hills of Balzare...
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