Some of those QQs are sooooo hard to find!!
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INORITE? Some of them, when you enter the street, it's sitting about 2 planks away from you. Others you have to go over every freaking inch of the street. I've found it's helpful to zoom out when QQ hunting. :)
12 years ago
I usually take one pass before I zoom out. It depends on my patience level that day.
12 years ago
I missed one on a fox preserve once. That was embarrassing.
12 years ago
LoL, Smlarg!! Yeah, there have been a couple that were "behind" me when I entered the street. I'd get to the end, click the next sign, and think "nooooooo, I forgot to get the QQ!"
12 years ago
kastlin kastlin snapped this
at 4:56pm on December 7, 2012
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