An unfinished floor for an unfinished game
Osiris χ
This has been a very rough year for me. I got into legal trouble and and still dealing with it a year later. I found love, or what I believe to be love and then had my heart smooshed. I hung out with friends, but nothing seemed to pick me up out of my funk. Until one day, in June, I took another look at that whimsical game I joined back in September.

I slowly became emersed in the community and gameplay alike. Glitch helped me feel better. It felt like I truely belonged here. Like there was no other place I should be but right here, with all of these great people. But unfortunately, this chapter of my life is coming to an abrupt close. I will live, but things will no doubt be harder when this game is over.

In memoriam, I will leave this note in my tower, on an unfinished floor. An unfinished floor, for an unfinished and beautiful game. Thank you to the TS team for creating an experience that helped make things better. I love you all, players and staff alike.

~Osiris X (Ox)
12 years ago
<3 <3 <3
12 years ago
Fadas Néboa Curuxa
We love you to Ox!
12 years ago
I only wish I could TP in real life as I would give you a big ol RK/hug/kiss/moon right now - signed your #1 fan:)
12 years ago
Papa Legba
The more stories I read the more I realize that my story is similar to everyone else's. it seems like Glitch attracted those in desperate need of an escape, lost loves, lost jobs, lost health, lost everything. We all came together to delight in the beautiful therapeutic world of Ur. It's no wonder there is so much pain with the closing of the game. I really hope TS realizes just how much Glitch meant to us.
12 years ago
You pretty much nailed it on the head there Papa:)
12 years ago
(BTW - heard your namesake song Papa while having tests on my tumor for cancer the other week - hope it was a good sign)
12 years ago
Osiris χ
Yes Papa, I couldn't have said it better myself. Glitch and the world of Ur were the glue holding my shattered heart and crumbling mind together. For me, it was someplace I really felt like I belonged. Where I felt like what I did actually meant a damn for once. And for the first time in a long time, I didn't feel quite so alone.
12 years ago
lots of love to you Big O - i think this game showed us all one thing - that we could all have moments where we knew we were home. this felt like home.
12 years ago
Papa Legba
I hope it is a good sign, Cleops. Papa Legba is a trickster, his presence is your life can lead to many important things. He'll lead you where you need to go and teach you the lessons you need to learn. Taking his name as my character has brought his influence into my life and, though a trying time, I come out stronger as a person and I now know where I need to go. I wish you health and strength! (and always, I wish you the greatest of imagination!)
12 years ago
Mr. iOuS kEiPhErs
I do not believe most people truly get a chance to have an experience like this, in such a game like this. I agree Papa. We are all perfectly imperfect, in an imperfectedly perfect Ur.
12 years ago
12 years ago
Thanks Papa. If anything it took my mind off things as it gave me something to talk about with the nurse - tattoos - cause I said I knew someone called Papa Legba with a NIN tattoo. By the end of the scans she was showing me her own tramp stamp that she has to keep hidden under her uniform. Let's just say it involved a snake, a wolf and a love heart and me doing me giving an Oscar worthy performance of "wow, that's great"
12 years ago
Papa Legba
wow, everything about that comment was a win.
12 years ago
Tinker Bell
i concur papa legba; glitch was definitely an escape for me

*hugs* osiris
12 years ago
Dr Payne
12 years ago
i luv u baby
12 years ago
<3 Ox, you're one of us and always will be.
12 years ago
*mwah Ox I'm so glad to have met you here :D God, that smexy eyebrow! *swoons
I am hopeful that we will all have a place to play together again...
12 years ago
Dammit Ox. That is one of the best things I have read on here. You are one of the sweetest guys I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.
Should you need me.....
12 years ago
This is beautiful. I love you and hope everything gets better soon. Though I've been in legal battles for almost 2 years now, they're a pain and take forever even when there is no chance of losing. *sigh*

Thank you for posting this.
12 years ago
OX, my sentiments exactly. And Papa Legba and Mr iOus kEiPhErs hit the nail on the head too. A friend told me recently that this was, in fact -that- game for me, no other game has held me quite like Glitch and I doubt anything else will. Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to take my box of tissues and cry some more.
12 years ago
you just made me cry, ox.
12 years ago
awesome sauce01
I've never in my life felt so safe and welcome with people I have never even met. I will miss the game, but mostly I will miss my friends. I really hope that we all stay in touch <3
12 years ago
Black-Eyed Susan
Ox, you are one of the reasons I am having such a hard time with the closing. It's been pure pleasure hanging out with you, and I'm going to miss it so very much. I'm sorry you've had a tough year, but please know that you've touched a lot of people here and made the world a better place.
12 years ago
I'm glad we met Ox. I'll miss you.
12 years ago
dr scion
yeah it was fun while it lasted. hopefully tiny speck with make something close to this that we can all enjoy again....
12 years ago
aww. I only just really met you and you've been so nice and funny. You're one of the reasons I'll miss this game. Logging in and seeing your wit and humor everyday really made me laugh.

You and Papa are exactly right and that's why I love this game so much. I joined last sept or so too, disappeared for awhile and one day in about july/august this year got into it again. I'm kicking myself for ever stopping. Now i must grab my booze and go cry some more.
12 years ago
I have been on the verge of tears for days. I'll miss you and everyone else I have had the pleasure of meeting here. Hugs & kisses. Mr E Stink
12 years ago
Foxy Moxy
*Sigh* Oxy got me playing the game because I had just been through some things that climaxed in my quitting my job, and he thought it would help take my mind off a situation that had me crying on a daily basis. He was right! Although I didn't get as close to as many Glitchen as my son did, I was in awe of the way I was welcomed. And it does my heart good to see how well Oxy has been accepted. He cares so much about all of you. Even those of you I haven't met, I've heard about you. What great fun! What great people! It's been a great ride!
12 years ago
Osiris χ
Thank you all for your kind and uplifting comments. All my contact info is on my profile page. Keep in touch and we Glitchen will never die. We'll just live on in our larger, more real and less awesome human forms :)
12 years ago
Osiris χ
I keep looking at this and hoping that it won't ever be gone.
11 years ago
Awww...I missed this when you first posted it. And I wanted to tell you that you always made me feel so welcomed, and I appreciate that. I miss you so much!
11 years ago
I <7 this picture so hard.
11 years ago
Mocha Maid
Agree with all the above! Hugs to all... (wanders off crying)
11 years ago
Ann DramaDuh
I was so-o-o-o right when I told you in a Glitchen mail that I thought you were the coolest Glitch ever. And plz give your mom a high five from me. As one mom to another, I say, "You done good, Foxy Moxy!"
11 years ago
Osiris χ Osiris χ snapped this
at 12:43am on November 17, 2012
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