bludwaggie's Snaps

End of Days
level 1 cubimals (spent an obscene amount-and didnt get all of 'em)
the view from my front door
a view from the front yard
care for some tea, stoot? while we wait for the apocalypse
the day before the end of days. so what do we do? we practice...
stoot rules!
i like it here
downside up
second horseman ?
shivering isles
Bliss 'n Stoot
the end of days...
It's the apocalypse!!
craftybot at work!
craftybot actually crafting!!!??!!!!!
me and my Stoot doll and my Xmas Yeti !!
so lovely...
I almost had a pet dragon *sigh*
growing a tree
go into the light
the end of the universe... or something
AT the distant end....jumping, jumping, just keep jumping!
Distant End
Almost forgot....
winner! again!
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